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`lengths-list-file' in Detail

   The core of the `lengths-list-file' function is a `while' loop
containing a function to move point forward `defun by defun' and a
function to count the number of words and symbols in each defun.  This
core must be surrounded by functions that do various other tasks,
including finding the file, and ensuring that point starts out at the
beginning of the file.  The function definition looks like this:

     (defun lengths-list-file (filename)
       "Return list of definitions' lengths within FILE.
     The returned list is a list of numbers.
     Each number is the number of words or
     symbols in one function definition."
       (message "Working on `%s' ... " filename)
         (let ((buffer (find-file-noselect filename))
           (set-buffer buffer)
           (setq buffer-read-only t)
           (goto-char (point-min))
           (while (re-search-forward "^(defun" nil t)
             (setq lengths-list
                   (cons (count-words-in-defun) lengths-list)))
           (kill-buffer buffer)

The function is passed one argument, the name of the file on which it
will work.  It has four lines of documentation, but no interactive
specification.  Since people worry that a computer is broken if they
don't see anything going on, the first line of the body is a message.

   The next line contains a `save-excursion' that returns Emacs'
attention to the current buffer when the function completes.  This is
useful in case you embed this function in another function that
presumes point is restored to the original buffer.

   In the varlist of the `let' expression, Emacs finds the file and
binds the local variable `buffer' to the buffer containing the file.
At the same time, Emacs creates `lengths-list' as a local variable.

   Next, Emacs switches its attention to the buffer.

   In the following line, Emacs makes the buffer read-only.  Ideally,
this line is not necessary.  None of the functions for counting words
and symbols in a function definition should change the buffer.
Besides, the buffer is not going to be saved, even if it were changed.
This line is entirely the consequence of great, perhaps excessive,
caution.  The reason for the caution is that this function and those it
calls work on the sources for Emacs and it is very inconvenient if they
are inadvertently modified.  It goes without saying that I did not
realize a need for this line until an experiment went awry and started
to modify my Emacs source files ...

   Next comes a call to widen the buffer if it is narrowed.  This
function is usually not needed--Emacs creates a fresh buffer if none
already exists; but if a buffer visiting the file already exists Emacs
returns that one.  In this case, the buffer may be narrowed and must be
widened.  If we wanted to be fully `user-friendly', we would arrange to
save the restriction and the location of point, but we won't.

   The `(goto-char (point-min))' expression moves point to the
beginning of the buffer.

   Then comes a `while' loop in which the `work' of the function is
carried out.  In the loop, Emacs determines the length of each
definition and constructs a lengths' list containing the information.

   Emacs kills the buffer after working through it.  This is to save
space inside of Emacs.  My version of Emacs 19 contained over 300
source files of interest; Emacs 21 contains over 800 source files.
Another function will apply `lengths-list-file' to each of the files.

   Finally, the last expression within the `let' expression is the
`lengths-list' variable; its value is returned as the value of the
whole function.

   You can try this function by installing it in the usual fashion.
Then place your cursor after the following expression and type `C-x
C-e' (`eval-last-sexp').


(You may need to change the pathname of the file; the one here worked
with GNU Emacs version 21.0.100.  To change the expression, copy it to
the `*scratch*' buffer and edit it.

(Also, to see the full length of the list, rather than a truncated
version, you may have to evaluate the following:

     (custom-set-variables '(eval-expression-print-length nil))

(Note: Setting Variables with `defcustom'.  Then evaluate
the `lengths-list-file' expression.)

   The lengths' list for `debug.el' takes less than a second to produce
and looks like this:

     (77 95 85 87 131 89 50 25 44 44 68 35 64 45 17 34 167 457)

   (Using my old machine, the version 19 lengths' list for `debug.el'
took seven seconds to produce and looked like this:

     (75 41 80 62 20 45 44 68 45 12 34 235)

   (The newer version of  `debug.el' contains more defuns than the
earlier one; and my new machine is much faster than the old one.)

   Note that the length of the last definition in the file is first in
the list.

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