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Complex Multi-dimensional Transforms Tutorial

   FFTW can also compute transforms of any number of dimensions
("rank").  The syntax is similar to that for the one-dimensional
transforms, with `fftw_' replaced by `fftwnd_' (which stands for
"`fftw' in `N' dimensions").

   As before, we `#include <fftw.h>' and create a plan for the
transforms, this time of type `fftwnd_plan':

     fftwnd_plan fftwnd_create_plan(int rank, const int *n,
                                    fftw_direction dir, int flags);

   `rank' is the dimensionality of the array, and can be any
non-negative integer.  The next argument, `n', is a pointer to an
integer array of length `rank' containing the (positive) sizes of each
dimension of the array.  (Note that the array will be stored in
row-major order. Note: Multi-dimensional Array Format, for information
on row-major order.)  The last two parameters are the same as in
`fftw_create_plan'.  We now, however, have an additional possible flag,
`FFTW_IN_PLACE', since `fftwnd' supports true in-place transforms.
Multiple flags are combined using a bitwise "or" (`|').  (An "in-place"
transform is one in which the output data overwrite the input data.  It
thus requires half as much memory as--and is often faster than--its
opposite, an "out-of-place" transform.)

   For two- and three-dimensional transforms, FFTWND provides
alternative routines that accept the sizes of each dimension directly,
rather than indirectly through a rank and an array of sizes.  These are
otherwise identical to `fftwnd_create_plan', and are sometimes more

     fftwnd_plan fftw2d_create_plan(int nx, int ny,
                                    fftw_direction dir, int flags);
     fftwnd_plan fftw3d_create_plan(int nx, int ny, int nz,
                                    fftw_direction dir, int flags);

   Once the plan has been created, you can use it any number of times
for transforms of the same size.  When you do not need a plan anymore,
you can deallocate the plan by calling `fftwnd_destroy_plan(plan)'.

   Given a plan, you can compute the transform of an array of data by

     void fftwnd_one(fftwnd_plan plan, fftw_complex *in, fftw_complex *out);

   Here, `in' and `out' point to multi-dimensional arrays in row-major
order, of the size specified when the plan was created.  In the case of
an in-place transform, the `out' parameter is ignored and the output
data are stored in the `in' array.  The results are stored in-order,
unnormalized, with the zero-frequency component in `out[0]'.  A forward
followed by a backward transform (or vice-versa) yields the original
data multiplied by the size of the array (i.e. the product of the
dimensions).  Note: What FFTWND Really Computes, for a discussion of
what FFTWND computes.

   For example, code to perform an in-place FFT of a three-dimensional
array might look like:

     #include <fftw.h>
          fftw_complex in[L][M][N];
          fftwnd_plan p;
          p = fftw3d_create_plan(L, M, N, FFTW_FORWARD,
                                 FFTW_MEASURE | FFTW_IN_PLACE);
          fftwnd_one(p, &in[0][0][0], NULL);

   Note that `in' is a statically-declared array, which is
automatically in row-major order, but we must take the address of the
first element in order to fit the type expected by `fftwnd_one'.
(Note: Multi-dimensional Array Format.)

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