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MPI FFTW Installation

   The FFTW MPI library code is all located in the `mpi' subdirectoy of
the FFTW package (along with source code for test programs).  On Unix
systems, the FFTW MPI libraries and header files can be automatically
configured, compiled, and installed along with the uniprocessor FFTW
libraries simply by including `--enable-mpi' in the flags to the
`configure' script (Note: Installation on Unix.).

   The only requirement of the FFTW MPI code is that you have the
standard MPI 1.1 (or later) libraries and header files installed on
your system.  A free implementation of MPI is available from
the MPICH home page (

   Previous versions of the FFTW MPI routines have had an unfortunate
tendency to expose bugs in MPI implementations.  The current version has
been largely rewritten, and hopefully avoids some of the problems.  If
you run into difficulties, try passing the optional workspace to
`(r)fftwnd_mpi' (see below), as this allows us to use the standard (and
hopefully well-tested) `MPI_Alltoall' primitive for communications.
Please let us know (<>) how things work out.

   Several test programs are included in the `mpi' directory.  The ones
most useful to you are probably the `fftw_mpi_test' and
`rfftw_mpi_test' programs, which are run just like an ordinary MPI
program and accept the same parameters as the other FFTW test programs
(c.f. `tests/README').  For example, `mpirun ...params...
fftw_mpi_test -r 0' will run non-terminating complex-transform
correctness tests of random dimensions.  They can also do performance

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