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Plan Creation for Real One-dimensional Transforms

     #include <rfftw.h>
     rfftw_plan rfftw_create_plan(int n, fftw_direction dir, int flags);
     rfftw_plan rfftw_create_plan_specific(int n, fftw_direction dir,
     	    int flags, fftw_real *in, int istride,
     	    fftw_real *out, int ostride);

   The function `rfftw_create_plan' creates a plan, which is a data
structure containing all the information that `rfftw' needs in order to
compute the 1D real Fourier transform. You can create as many plans as
you need, but only one plan for a given array size is required (a plan
can be reused many times).

   `rfftw_create_plan' returns a valid plan, or `NULL' if, for some
reason, the plan can't be created.  In the default installation, this
cannot happen, but it is possible to configure RFFTW in such a way that
some input sizes are forbidden, and RFFTW cannot create a plan.

   The `rfftw_create_plan_specific' variant takes as additional
arguments specific input/output arrays and their strides.  For the last
four arguments, you should pass the arrays and strides that you will
eventually be passing to `rfftw'.  The resulting plans will be
optimized for those arrays and strides, although they may be used on
other arrays as well.  Note: the contents of the in and out arrays are
*destroyed* by the specific planner (the initial contents are ignored,
so the arrays need not have been initialized).  Note: Discussion on
Specific Plans, for a discussion on specific plans.


   * `n' is the size of the transform.  It can be  any positive integer.

        - RFFTW is best at handling sizes of the form 2^a 3^b 5^c 7^d
          11^e 13^f, where e+f is either 0 or 1, and the other
          exponents are arbitrary.  Other sizes are computed by means
          of a slow, general-purpose routine (reducing to O(n^2)
          performance for prime sizes).  (It is possible to customize
          RFFTW for different array sizes.  Note: Installation and
          Customization, for more information.)  Transforms whose
          sizes are powers of 2 are especially fast.

   * `dir' is the direction of the desired transform, either
     `FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX' or `FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL', corresponding to
     `FFTW_FORWARD' or `FFTW_BACKWARD', respectively.

   * `flags' is a boolean OR (`|') of zero or more of the following:
        - `FFTW_MEASURE': this flag tells RFFTW to find the optimal
          plan by actually *computing* several FFTs and measuring their
          execution time.  Depending on the installation, this can take
          some time.

        - `FFTW_ESTIMATE': do not run any FFT and provide a "reasonable"
          plan (for a RISC processor with many registers).  If neither
          `FFTW_ESTIMATE' nor `FFTW_MEASURE' is provided, the default is

        - `FFTW_OUT_OF_PLACE': produce a plan assuming that the input
          and output arrays will be distinct (this is the default).

        - `FFTW_IN_PLACE': produce a plan assuming that you want the
          output in the input array.  The algorithm used is not
          necessarily in place: RFFTW is able to compute true in-place
          transforms only for small values of `n'.  If RFFTW is not
          able to compute the transform in-place, it will allocate a
          temporary array (unless you provide one yourself), compute
          the transform out of place, and copy the result back.
          *Warning: This option changes the meaning of some parameters
          of `rfftw'* (Note: Computing the Real One-dimensional

          The default mode of operation is `FFTW_OUT_OF_PLACE'.

        - `FFTW_USE_WISDOM': use any `wisdom' that is available to help
          in the creation of the plan. (Note: Words of Wisdom.)  This
          can greatly speed the creation of plans, especially with the
          `FFTW_MEASURE' option. `FFTW_ESTIMATE' plans can also take
          advantage of `wisdom' to produce a more optimal plan (based
          on past measurements) than the estimation heuristic would
          normally generate. When the `FFTW_MEASURE' option is used,
          new `wisdom' will also be generated if the current transform
          size is not completely understood by existing `wisdom'.

   * `in', `out', `istride', `ostride' (only for
     `rfftw_create_plan_specific'): see corresponding arguments in the
     description of `rfftw'.  (Note: Computing the Real One-dimensional
     Transform.)  In particular, the `out' and `ostride'
     parameters have the same special meaning for `FFTW_IN_PLACE'
     transforms as they have for `rfftw'.

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