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Sorting the output

   These options change the order in which `ls' sorts the information
it outputs.  By default, sorting is done by character code (e.g., ASCII

     If the long listing format (e.g., `-l', `-o') is being used, print
     the status change time (the `ctime' in the inode) instead of the
     modification time.  When explicitly sorting by time (`--sort=time'
     or `-t') or when not using a long listing format, sort according
     to the status change time.

     Primarily, like `-U'--do not sort; list the files in whatever
     order they are stored in the directory.  But also enable `-a' (list
     all files) and disable `-l', `--color', and `-s' (if they were
     specified before the `-f').

     Reverse whatever the sorting method is--e.g., list files in reverse
     alphabetical order, youngest first, smallest first, or whatever.

     Sort by file size, largest first.

     Sort by modification time (the `mtime' in the inode), newest first.

     If the long listing format (e.g., `--format=long') is being used,
     print the last access time (the `atime' in the inode).  When
     explicitly sorting by time (`--sort=time' or `-t') or when not
     using a long listing format, sort according to the access time.

     Do not sort; list the files in whatever order they are stored in
     the directory.  (Do not do any of the other unrelated things that
     `-f' does.)  This is especially useful when listing very large
     directories, since not doing any sorting can be noticeably faster.

     Sort by version name and number, lowest first.  It behaves like a
     default sort, except that each sequence of decimal digits is
     treated numerically as an index/version number.  (Note: More
     details about version sort.)

     Sort directory contents alphabetically by file extension
     (characters after the last `.'); files with no extension are
     sorted first.

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