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`mkdir': Make directories

   `mkdir' creates directories with the specified names.  Synopsis:

     mkdir [OPTION]... NAME...

   If a NAME is an existing file but not a directory, `mkdir' prints a
warning message on stderr and will exit with a status of 1 after
processing any remaining NAMEs.  The same is done when a NAME is an
existing directory and the -p option is not given.  If a NAME is an
existing directory and the -p option is given, `mkdir' will ignore it.
That is, `mkdir' will not print a warning, raise an error, or change
the mode of the directory (even if the -m option is given), and will
move on to processing any remaining NAMEs.

   The program accepts the following options.  Also see Note: Common

`-m MODE'
     Set the mode of created directories to MODE, which is symbolic as
     in `chmod' and uses `a=rwx' (read, write and execute allowed for
     everyone) minus the bits set in the umask for the point of the
     departure.  Note: File permissions.

     Make any missing parent directories for each argument.  The mode
     for parent directories is set to the umask modified by `u+wx'.
     Ignore arguments corresponding to existing directories.


     Print a message for each created directory.  This is most useful
     with `--parents'.

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