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     Ambiguous use of intrinsic INTRINSIC ...

   The type of the argument to the invocation of the INTRINSIC
intrinsic is a `COMPLEX' type other than `COMPLEX(KIND=1)'.  Typically,
it is `COMPLEX(KIND=2)', also known as `DOUBLE COMPLEX'.

   The interpretation of this invocation depends on the particular
dialect of Fortran for which the code was written.  Some dialects
convert the real part of the argument to `REAL(KIND=1)', thus losing
precision; other dialects, and Fortran 90, do no such conversion.

   So, GNU Fortran rejects such invocations except under certain
circumstances, to avoid making an incorrect assumption that results in
generating the wrong code.

   To determine the dialect of the program unit, perhaps even whether
that particular invocation is properly coded, determine how the result
of the intrinsic is used.

   The result of INTRINSIC is expected (by the original programmer) to
be `REAL(KIND=1)' (the non-Fortran-90 interpretation) if:

   * It is passed as an argument to a procedure that explicitly or
     implicitly declares that argument `REAL(KIND=1)'.

     For example, a procedure with no `DOUBLE PRECISION' or `IMPLICIT
     DOUBLE PRECISION' statement specifying the dummy argument
     corresponding to an actual argument of `REAL(Z)', where `Z' is
     declared `DOUBLE COMPLEX', strongly suggests that the programmer
     expected `REAL(Z)' to return `REAL(KIND=1)' instead of

   * It is used in a context that would otherwise not include any
     `REAL(KIND=2)' but where treating the INTRINSIC invocation as
     `REAL(KIND=2)' would result in unnecessary promotions and
     (typically) more expensive operations on the wider type.

     For example:

          R(1) = T * REAL(Z)

     The above example suggests the programmer expected the real part
     of `Z' to be converted to `REAL(KIND=1)' before being multiplied
     by `T' (presumed, along with `R' above, to be type `REAL(KIND=1)').

     Otherwise, the conversion would have to be delayed until after the
     multiplication, requiring not only an extra conversion (of `T' to
     `REAL(KIND=2)'), but a (typically) more expensive multiplication
     (a double-precision multiplication instead of a single-precision

   The result of INTRINSIC is expected (by the original programmer) to
be `REAL(KIND=2)' (the Fortran 90 interpretation) if:

   * It is passed as an argument to a procedure that explicitly or
     implicitly declares that argument `REAL(KIND=2)'.

     For example, a procedure specifying a `DOUBLE PRECISION' dummy
     argument corresponding to an actual argument of `REAL(Z)', where
     `Z' is declared `DOUBLE COMPLEX', strongly suggests that the
     programmer expected `REAL(Z)' to return `REAL(KIND=2)' instead of

   * It is used in an expression context that includes other
     `REAL(KIND=2)' operands, or is assigned to a `REAL(KIND=2)'
     variable or array element.

     For example:

          R(1) = T * REAL(Z)

     The above example suggests the programmer expected the real part
     of `Z' to *not* be converted to `REAL(KIND=1)' by the `REAL()'

     Otherwise, the conversion would have to be immediately followed by
     a conversion back to `REAL(KIND=2)', losing the original, full
     precision of the real part of `Z', before being multiplied by `T'.

   Once you have determined whether a particular invocation of INTRINSIC
expects the Fortran 90 interpretation, you can:

   * Change it to `DBLE(EXPR)' (if INTRINSIC is `REAL') or
     `DIMAG(EXPR)' (if INTRINSIC is `AIMAG') if it expected the Fortran
     90 interpretation.

     This assumes EXPR is `COMPLEX(KIND=2)'--if it is some other type,
     such as `COMPLEX*32', you should use the appropriate intrinsic,
     such as the one to convert to `REAL*16' (perhaps `DBLEQ()' in
     place of `DBLE()', and `QIMAG()' in place of `DIMAG()').

   * Change it to `REAL(INTRINSIC(EXPR))', otherwise.  This converts to
     `REAL(KIND=1)' in all working Fortran compilers.

   If you don't want to change the code, and you are certain that all
ambiguous invocations of INTRINSIC in the source file have the same
expectation regarding interpretation, you can:

   * Compile with the `g77' option `-ff90', to enable the Fortran 90

   * Compile with the `g77' options `-fno-f90 -fugly-complex', to
     enable the non-Fortran-90 interpretations.

   Note: REAL() and AIMAG() of Complex, for more information on this

   Note: If the above suggestions don't produce enough evidence as to
whether a particular program expects the Fortran 90 interpretation of
this ambiguous invocation of INTRINSIC, there is one more thing you can

   If you have access to most or all the compilers used on the program
to create successfully tested and deployed executables, read the
documentation for, and *also* test out, each compiler to determine how
it treats the INTRINSIC intrinsic in this case.  (If all the compilers
don't agree on an interpretation, there might be lurking bugs in the
deployed versions of the program.)

   The following sample program might help:

           PROGRAM JCB003
     C Written by James Craig Burley 1997-02-23.
     C Determine how compilers handle non-standard REAL
     C and AIMAG on DOUBLE COMPLEX operands.
           REAL R
           Z = (3.3D0, 4.4D0)
           R = Z
           CALL DUMDUM(Z, R)
           R = REAL(Z) - R
           IF (R .NE. 0.) PRINT *, 'REAL() is Fortran 90'
           IF (R .EQ. 0.) PRINT *, 'REAL() is not Fortran 90'
           R = 4.4D0
           CALL DUMDUM(Z, R)
           R = AIMAG(Z) - R
           IF (R .NE. 0.) PRINT *, 'AIMAG() is Fortran 90'
           IF (R .EQ. 0.) PRINT *, 'AIMAG() is not Fortran 90'
     C Just to make sure compiler doesn't use naive flow
     C analysis to optimize away careful work above,
     C which might invalidate results....
           REAL R

   If the above program prints contradictory results on a particular
compiler, run away!

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