GNU Info

Info Node: ( and DECODE

( and DECODE

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   `g77' doesn't support `ENCODE' or `DECODE'.

   These statements are best replaced by READ and WRITE statements
involving internal files (CHARACTER variables and arrays).

   For example, replace a code fragment like

           INTEGER*1 LINE(80)
           DECODE (80, 9000, LINE) A, B, C
     9000  FORMAT (1X, 3(F10.5))


           CHARACTER*80 LINE
           READ (UNIT=LINE, FMT=9000) A, B, C
     9000  FORMAT (1X, 3(F10.5))

   Similarly, replace a code fragment like

           INTEGER*1 LINE(80)
           ENCODE (80, 9000, LINE) A, B, C
     9000  FORMAT (1X, 'OUTPUT IS ', 3(F10.5))


           CHARACTER*80 LINE
           WRITE (UNIT=LINE, FMT=9000) A, B, C
     9000  FORMAT (1X, 'OUTPUT IS ', 3(F10.5))

   It is entirely possible that `ENCODE' and `DECODE' will be supported
by a future version of `g77'.

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