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Simplify Porting

   Making `g77' easier to configure, port, build, and install, either
as a single-system compiler or as a cross-compiler, would be very

   * A new library (replacing `libg2c') should improve portability as
     well as produce more optimal code.  Further, `g77' and the new
     library should conspire to simplify naming of externals, such as
     by removing unnecessarily added underscores, and to
     reduce/eliminate the possibility of naming conflicts, while making
     debugger more straightforward.

     Also, it should make multi-language applications more feasible,
     such as by providing Fortran intrinsics that get Fortran unit
     numbers given C `FILE *' descriptors.

   * Possibly related to a new library, `g77' should produce the
     equivalent of a `gcc' `main(argc, argv)' function when it compiles
     a main program unit, instead of compiling something that must be
     called by a library implementation of `main()'.

     This would do many useful things such as provide more flexibility
     in terms of setting up exception handling, not requiring
     programmers to start their debugging sessions with `breakpoint
     MAIN__' followed by `run', and so on.

   * The GBE needs to understand the difference between alignment
     requirements and desires.  For example, on Intel x86 machines,
     `g77' currently imposes overly strict alignment requirements, due
     to the back end, but it would be useful for Fortran and C
     programmers to be able to override these *recommendations* as long
     as they don't violate the actual processor *requirements*.

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