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Summary of `getline' Variants

   The following table summarizes the eight variants of `getline',
listing which built-in variables are set by each one.

`getline'                  Sets `$0', `NF', `FNR' and `NR'
`getline' VAR              Sets VAR, `FNR' and `NR'
`getline <' FILE           Sets `$0' and `NF'
`getline VAR < FILE'       Sets VAR
COMMAND `| getline'        Sets `$0' and `NF'
COMMAND `| getline' VAR    Sets VAR
COMMAND `|& getline'       Sets `$0' and `NF' (this is a `gawk'
COMMAND `|& getline' VAR   Sets VAR (this is a `gawk' extension)

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