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Managing the Time of Day

   The `systime' and `strftime' functions described in Note: Using
`gawk''s Timestamp Functions, provide the minimum
functionality necessary for dealing with the time of day in human
readable form.  While `strftime' is extensive, the control formats are
not necessarily easy to remember or intuitively obvious when reading a

   The following function, `gettimeofday', populates a user-supplied
array with preformatted time information.  It returns a string with the
current time formatted in the same way as the `date' utility:

     # gettimeofday.awk --- get the time of day in a usable format
     # Returns a string in the format of output of date(1)
     # Populates the array argument time with individual values:
     #    time["second"]       -- seconds (0 - 59)
     #    time["minute"]       -- minutes (0 - 59)
     #    time["hour"]         -- hours (0 - 23)
     #    time["althour"]      -- hours (0 - 12)
     #    time["monthday"]     -- day of month (1 - 31)
     #    time["month"]        -- month of year (1 - 12)
     #    time["monthname"]    -- name of the month
     #    time["shortmonth"]   -- short name of the month
     #    time["year"]         -- year modulo 100 (0 - 99)
     #    time["fullyear"]     -- full year
     #    time["weekday"]      -- day of week (Sunday = 0)
     #    time["altweekday"]   -- day of week (Monday = 0)
     #    time["dayname"]      -- name of weekday
     #    time["shortdayname"] -- short name of weekday
     #    time["yearday"]      -- day of year (0 - 365)
     #    time["timezone"]     -- abbreviation of timezone name
     #    time["ampm"]         -- AM or PM designation
     #    time["weeknum"]      -- week number, Sunday first day
     #    time["altweeknum"]   -- week number, Monday first day
     function gettimeofday(time,    ret, now, i)
         # get time once, avoids unnecessary system calls
         now = systime()
         # return date(1)-style output
         ret = strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", now)
         # clear out target array
         delete time
         # fill in values, force numeric values to be
         # numeric by adding 0
         time["second"]       = strftime("%S", now) + 0
         time["minute"]       = strftime("%M", now) + 0
         time["hour"]         = strftime("%H", now) + 0
         time["althour"]      = strftime("%I", now) + 0
         time["monthday"]     = strftime("%d", now) + 0
         time["month"]        = strftime("%m", now) + 0
         time["monthname"]    = strftime("%B", now)
         time["shortmonth"]   = strftime("%b", now)
         time["year"]         = strftime("%y", now) + 0
         time["fullyear"]     = strftime("%Y", now) + 0
         time["weekday"]      = strftime("%w", now) + 0
         time["altweekday"]   = strftime("%u", now) + 0
         time["dayname"]      = strftime("%A", now)
         time["shortdayname"] = strftime("%a", now)
         time["yearday"]      = strftime("%j", now) + 0
         time["timezone"]     = strftime("%Z", now)
         time["ampm"]         = strftime("%p", now)
         time["weeknum"]      = strftime("%U", now) + 0
         time["altweeknum"]   = strftime("%W", now) + 0
         return ret

   The string indices are easier to use and read than the various
formats required by `strftime'.  The `alarm' program presented in Note:
An Alarm Clock Program, uses this function.  A more
general design for the `gettimeofday' function would have allowed the
user to supply an optional timestamp value to use instead of the
current time.

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