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Reading the User Database

   The `PROCINFO' array (Note: Built-in Variables) provides access to
the current user's real and effective user and group id numbers, and if
available, the user's supplementary group set.  However, because these
are numbers, they do not provide very useful information to the average
user.  There needs to be some way to find the user information
associated with the user and group numbers.  This minor node presents a
suite of functions for retrieving information from the user database.
Note: Reading the Group Database, for a similar suite
that retrieves information from the group database.

   The POSIX standard does not define the file where user information is
kept.  Instead, it provides the `<pwd.h>' header file and several C
language subroutines for obtaining user information.  The primary
function is `getpwent', for "get password entry."  The "password" comes
from the original user database file, `/etc/passwd', which stores user
information, along with the encrypted passwords (hence the name).

   While an `awk' program could simply read `/etc/passwd' directly,
this file may not contain complete information about the system's set
of users.(1) To be sure you are able to produce a readable and complete
version of the user database, it is necessary to write a small C
program that calls `getpwent'.  `getpwent' is defined as returning a
pointer to a `struct passwd'.  Each time it is called, it returns the
next entry in the database.  When there are no more entries, it returns
`NULL', the null pointer.  When this happens, the C program should call
`endpwent' to close the database.  Following is `pwcat', a C program
that "cats" the password database.

      * pwcat.c
      * Generate a printable version of the password database
     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <pwd.h>
     main(argc, argv)
     int argc;
     char **argv;
         struct passwd *p;
         while ((p = getpwent()) != NULL)
                 p->pw_name, p->pw_passwd, p->pw_uid,
                 p->pw_gid, p->pw_gecos, p->pw_dir, p->pw_shell);

   If you don't understand C, don't worry about it.  The output from
`pwcat' is the user database, in the traditional `/etc/passwd' format
of colon-separated fields.  The fields are:

Login name           The user's login name.
Encrypted password   The user's encrypted password.  This may not be
                     available on some systems.
User-ID              The user's numeric user-id number.
Group-ID             The user's numeric group-id number.
Full name            The user's full name, and perhaps other
                     information associated with the user.
Home directory       The user's login (or "home") directory
                     (familiar to shell programmers as `$HOME').
Login shell          The program that is run when the user logs in.
                     This is usually a shell, such as `bash'.

   A few lines representative of `pwcat''s output are as follows:

     $ pwcat
     -| root:3Ov02d5VaUPB6:0:1:Operator:/:/bin/sh
     -| nobody:*:65534:65534::/:
     -| daemon:*:1:1::/:
     -| sys:*:2:2::/:/bin/csh
     -| bin:*:3:3::/bin:
     -| arnold:xyzzy:2076:10:Arnold Robbins:/home/arnold:/bin/sh
     -| miriam:yxaay:112:10:Miriam Robbins:/home/miriam:/bin/sh
     -| andy:abcca2:113:10:Andy Jacobs:/home/andy:/bin/sh

   With that introduction, following is a group of functions for
getting user information.  There are several functions here,
corresponding to the C functions of the same names:

     # passwd.awk --- access password file information
     BEGIN {
         # tailor this to suit your system
         _pw_awklib = "/usr/local/libexec/awk/"
     function _pw_init(    oldfs, oldrs, olddol0, pwcat, using_fw)
         if (_pw_inited)
         oldfs = FS
         oldrs = RS
         olddol0 = $0
         using_fw = (PROCINFO["FS"] == "FIELDWIDTHS")
         FS = ":"
         RS = "\n"
         pwcat = _pw_awklib "pwcat"
         while ((pwcat | getline) > 0) {
             _pw_byname[$1] = $0
             _pw_byuid[$3] = $0
             _pw_bycount[++_pw_total] = $0
         _pw_count = 0
         _pw_inited = 1
         FS = oldfs
         if (using_fw)
         RS = oldrs
         $0 = olddol0

   The `BEGIN' rule sets a private variable to the directory where
`pwcat' is stored.  Because it is used to help out an `awk' library
routine, we have chosen to put it in `/usr/local/libexec/awk'; however,
you might want it to be in a different directory on your system.

   The function `_pw_init' keeps three copies of the user information
in three associative arrays.  The arrays are indexed by username
(`_pw_byname'), by user-id number (`_pw_byuid'), and by order of
occurrence (`_pw_bycount').  The variable `_pw_inited' is used for
efficiency; `_pw_init' needs only to be called once.

   Because this function uses `getline' to read information from
`pwcat', it first saves the values of `FS', `RS', and `$0'.  It notes
in the variable `using_fw' whether field splitting with `FIELDWIDTHS'
is in effect or not.  Doing so is necessary, since these functions
could be called from anywhere within a user's program, and the user may
have his or her own way of splitting records and fields.

   The `using_fw' variable checks `PROCINFO["FS"]', which is
`"FIELDWIDTHS"' if field splitting is being done with `FIELDWIDTHS'.
This makes it possible to restore the correct field-splitting mechanism
later.  The test can only be true for `gawk'.  It is false if using
`FS' or on some other `awk' implementation.

   The main part of the function uses a loop to read database lines,
split the line into fields, and then store the line into each array as
necessary.  When the loop is done, `_pw_init' cleans up by closing the
pipeline, setting `_pw_inited' to one, and restoring `FS' (and
`FIELDWIDTHS' if necessary), `RS', and `$0'.  The use of `_pw_count' is
explained shortly.

   The `getpwnam' function takes a username as a string argument. If
that user is in the database, it returns the appropriate line.
Otherwise it returns the null string:

     function getpwnam(name)
         if (name in _pw_byname)
             return _pw_byname[name]
         return ""

   Similarly, the `getpwuid' function takes a user-id number argument.
If that user number is in the database, it returns the appropriate
line. Otherwise it returns the null string:

     function getpwuid(uid)
         if (uid in _pw_byuid)
             return _pw_byuid[uid]
         return ""

   The `getpwent' function simply steps through the database, one entry
at a time.  It uses `_pw_count' to track its current position in the
`_pw_bycount' array:

     function getpwent()
         if (_pw_count < _pw_total)
             return _pw_bycount[++_pw_count]
         return ""

   The `endpwent' function resets `_pw_count' to zero, so that
subsequent calls to `getpwent' start over again:

     function endpwent()
         _pw_count = 0

   A conscious design decision in this suite is that each subroutine
calls `_pw_init' to initialize the database arrays.  The overhead of
running a separate process to generate the user database, and the I/O
to scan it, are only incurred if the user's main program actually calls
one of these functions.  If this library file is loaded along with a
user's program, but none of the routines are ever called, then there is
no extra runtime overhead.  (The alternative is move the body of
`_pw_init' into a `BEGIN' rule, which always runs `pwcat'.  This
simplifies the code but runs an extra process that may never be needed.)

   In turn, calling `_pw_init' is not too expensive, because the
`_pw_inited' variable keeps the program from reading the data more than
once.  If you are worried about squeezing every last cycle out of your
`awk' program, the check of `_pw_inited' could be moved out of
`_pw_init' and duplicated in all the other functions.  In practice,
this is not necessary, since most `awk' programs are I/O-bound, and it
clutters up the code.

   The `id' program in Note: Printing out User Information,
uses these functions.

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) It is often the case that password information is stored in a
network database.

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