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URLCHK: Look for Changed Web Pages

   Most people who make heavy use of Internet resources have a large
bookmark file with pointers to interesting web sites. It is impossible
to regularly check by hand if any of these sites have changed. A program
is needed to automatically look at the headers of web pages and tell
which ones have changed. URLCHK does the comparison after using GETURL
with the `HEAD' method to retrieve the header.

   Like GETURL, this program first checks that it is called with exactly
one command-line parameter. URLCHK also takes the same command-line
variables `Proxy' and `ProxyPort' as GETURL, because these variables
are handed over to GETURL for each URL that gets checked. The one and
only parameter is the name of a file that contains one line for each
URL. In the first column, we find the URL, and the second and third
columns hold the length of the URL's body when checked for the two last
times. Now, we follow this plan:

  1. Read the URLs from the file and remember their most recent lengths

  2. Delete the contents of the file

  3. For each URL, check its new length and write it into the file

  4. If the most recent and the new length differ, tell the user

   It may seem a bit peculiar to read the URLs from a file together
with their two most recent lengths, but this approach has several
advantages. You can call the program again and again with the same
file. After running the program, you can regenerate the changed URLs by
extracting those lines that differ in their second and third columns:

     BEGIN {
       if (ARGC != 2) {
         print "URLCHK - check if URLs have changed"
         print "IN:\n    the file with URLs as a command-line parameter"
         print "    file contains URL, old length, new length"
         print "PARAMS:\n    -v Proxy=MyProxy -v ProxyPort=8080"
         print "OUT:\n    same as file with URLs"
         print "JK 02.03.1998"
       URLfile = ARGV[1]; ARGV[1] = ""
       if (Proxy     != "") Proxy     = " -v Proxy="     Proxy
       if (ProxyPort != "") ProxyPort = " -v ProxyPort=" ProxyPort
       while ((getline < URLfile) > 0)
          Length[$1] = $3 + 0
       close(URLfile)      # now, URLfile is read in and can be updated
       GetHeader = "gawk " Proxy ProxyPort " -v Method=\"HEAD\" -f geturl.awk "
       for (i in Length) {
         GetThisHeader = GetHeader i " 2>&1"
         while ((GetThisHeader | getline) > 0)
           if (toupper($0) ~ /CONTENT-LENGTH/) NewLength = $2 + 0
         print i, Length[i], NewLength > URLfile
         if (Length[i] != NewLength)  # report only changed URLs
           print i, Length[i], NewLength

   Another thing that may look strange is the way GETURL is called.
Before calling GETURL, we have to check if the proxy variables need to
be passed on. If so, we prepare strings that will become part of the
command line later. In `GetHeader', we store these strings together
with the longest part of the command line. Later, in the loop over the
URLs, `GetHeader' is appended with the URL and a redirection operator
to form the command that reads the URL's header over the Internet.
GETURL always produces the headers over `/dev/stderr'. That is the
reason why we need the redirection operator to have the header piped in.

   This program is not perfect because it assumes that changing URLs
results in changed lengths, which is not necessarily true. A more
advanced approach is to look at some other header line that holds time
information. But, as always when things get a bit more complicated,
this is left as an exercise to the reader.

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