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Generating Code for Profiling

   These macros will help you generate code for profiling.

     A C statement or compound statement to output to FILE some
     assembler code to call the profiling subroutine `mcount'.  Before
     calling, the assembler code must load the address of a counter
     variable into a register where `mcount' expects to find the
     address.  The name of this variable is `LP' followed by the number
     LABELNO, so you would generate the name using `LP%d' in a

     The details of how the address should be passed to `mcount' are
     determined by your operating system environment, not by GNU CC.  To
     figure them out, compile a small program for profiling using the
     system's installed C compiler and look at the assembler code that

     Define this macro if the `mcount' subroutine on your system does
     not need a counter variable allocated for each function.  This is
     true for almost all modern implementations.  If you define this
     macro, you must not use the LABELNO argument to

     Define this macro if the code for function profiling should come
     before the function prologue.  Normally, the profiling code comes

     A C statement or compound statement to output to FILE some
     assembler code to initialize basic-block profiling for the current
     object module.  The global compile flag `profile_block_flag'
     distinguishes two profile modes.

    `profile_block_flag != 2'
          Output code to call the subroutine `__bb_init_func' once per
          object module, passing it as its sole argument the address of
          a block allocated in the object module.

          The name of the block is a local symbol made with this


          Of course, since you are writing the definition of
          `ASM_GENERATE_INTERNAL_LABEL' as well as that of this macro,
          you can take a short cut in the definition of this macro and
          use the name that you know will result.

          The first word of this block is a flag which will be nonzero
          if the object module has already been initialized.  So test
          this word first, and do not call `__bb_init_func' if the flag
          is nonzero.  BLOCK_OR_LABEL contains a unique number which
          may be used to generate a label as a branch destination when
          `__bb_init_func' will not be called.

          Described in assembler language, the code to be output looks

                 cmp (LPBX0),0
                 bne local_label
                 parameter1 <- LPBX0
                 call __bb_init_func

    `profile_block_flag == 2'
          Output code to call the subroutine `__bb_init_trace_func' and
          pass two parameters to it.  The first parameter is the same as
          for `__bb_init_func'.  The second parameter is the number of
          the first basic block of the function as given by
          BLOCK_OR_LABEL.  Note that `__bb_init_trace_func' has to be
          called, even if the object module has been initialized

          Described in assembler language, the code to be output looks
               parameter1 <- LPBX0
               parameter2 <- BLOCK_OR_LABEL
               call __bb_init_trace_func

     A C statement or compound statement to output to FILE some
     assembler code to increment the count associated with the basic
     block number BLOCKNO.  The global compile flag
     `profile_block_flag' distinguishes two profile modes.

    `profile_block_flag != 2'
          Output code to increment the counter directly.  Basic blocks
          are numbered separately from zero within each compilation.
          The count associated with block number BLOCKNO is at index
          BLOCKNO in a vector of words; the name of this array is a
          local symbol made with this statement:


          Of course, since you are writing the definition of
          `ASM_GENERATE_INTERNAL_LABEL' as well as that of this macro,
          you can take a short cut in the definition of this macro and
          use the name that you know will result.

          Described in assembler language, the code to be output looks

               inc (LPBX2+4*BLOCKNO)

    `profile_block_flag == 2'
          Output code to initialize the global structure `__bb' and
          call the function `__bb_trace_func', which will increment the

          `__bb' consists of two words.  In the first word, the current
          basic block number, as given by BLOCKNO, has to be stored.  In
          the second word, the address of a block allocated in the
          object module has to be stored.  The address is given by the
          label created with this statement:


          Described in assembler language, the code to be output looks
               move BLOCKNO -> (__bb)
               move LPBX0 -> (__bb+4)
               call __bb_trace_func

     A C statement or compound statement to output to FILE assembler
     code to call function `__bb_trace_ret'.  The assembler code should
     only be output if the global compile flag `profile_block_flag' ==
     2.  This macro has to be used at every place where code for
     returning from a function is generated (e.g. `FUNCTION_EPILOGUE').
     Although you have to write the definition of `FUNCTION_EPILOGUE'
     as well, you have to define this macro to tell the compiler, that
     the proper call to `__bb_trace_ret' is produced.

     A C statement or compound statement to save all registers, which
     may be clobbered by a function call, including condition codes.
     The `asm' statement will be mostly likely needed to handle this
     task.  Local labels in the assembler code can be concatenated with
     the string ID, to obtain a unique lable name.

     Registers or condition codes clobbered by `FUNCTION_PROLOGUE' or
     `FUNCTION_EPILOGUE' must be saved in the macros
     `BLOCK_PROFILER' prior calling `__bb_init_trace_func',
     `__bb_trace_ret' and `__bb_trace_func' respectively.

     A C statement or compound statement to restore all registers,
     including condition codes, saved by `MACHINE_STATE_SAVE'.

     Registers or condition codes clobbered by `FUNCTION_PROLOGUE' or
     `FUNCTION_EPILOGUE' must be restored in the macros
     `BLOCK_PROFILER' after calling `__bb_init_trace_func',
     `__bb_trace_ret' and `__bb_trace_func' respectively.

     A C function or functions which are needed in the library to
     support block profiling.

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