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( Configuration

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TUI configuration variables

   The TUI has several configuration variables that control the
appearance of windows on the terminal.

`set tui border-kind KIND'
     Select the border appearance for the source, assembly and register
     windows.  The possible values are the following:
          Use a space character to draw the border.

          Use ascii characters + - and | to draw the border.

          Use the Alternate Character Set to draw the border.  The
          border is drawn using character line graphics if the terminal
          supports them.

`set tui active-border-mode MODE'
     Select the attributes to display the border of the active window.
     The possible values are `normal', `standout', `reverse', `half',
     `half-standout', `bold' and `bold-standout'.

`set tui border-mode MODE'
     Select the attributes to display the border of other windows.  The
     MODE can be one of the following:
          Use normal attributes to display the border.

          Use standout mode.

          Use reverse video mode.

          Use half bright mode.

          Use half bright and standout mode.

          Use extra bright or bold mode.

          Use extra bright or bold and standout mode.

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