The User's View
When GNU `gettext' will truly have reached its goal, average users
should feel some kind of astonished pleasure, seeing the effect of that
strange kind of magic that just makes their own native language appear
everywhere on their screens. As for naive users, they would ideally
have no special pleasure about it, merely taking their own language for
_granted_, and becoming rather unhappy otherwise.
So, let's try to describe here how we would like the magic to
operate, as we want the users' view to be the simplest, among all ways
one could look at GNU `gettext'. All other software engineers:
programmers, translators, maintainers, should work together in such a
way that the magic becomes possible. This is a long and progressive
undertaking, and information is available about the progress of the
Translation Project.
When a package is distributed, there are two kinds of users:
"installers" who fetch the distribution, unpack it, configure it,
compile it and install it for themselves or others to use; and "end
users" that call programs of the package, once these have been
installed at their site. GNU `gettext' is offering magic for both
installers and end users.