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Concept Index

ABI and ISA.
About this manual
Introduction to GMP.
Build Options.
Allocation of memory
Custom Allocation.
Anonymous FTP of latest version
Introduction to GMP.
Application Binary Interface
ABI and ISA.
Arithmetic functions <1>
Rational Arithmetic.
Arithmetic functions <2>
Integer Arithmetic.
Arithmetic functions
Float Arithmetic.
Assignment functions <1>
Assigning Floats.
Assignment functions
Assigning Integers.
Autoconf detections
GMP Basics.
Berkeley MP compatible functions
BSD Compatible Functions.
Binomial coefficient functions
Number Theoretic Functions.
Bit manipulation functions
Integer Logic and Bit Fiddling.
Bit shift left
Integer Arithmetic.
Bit shift right
Integer Division.
Bits per limb
Useful Macros and Constants.
BSD MP compatible functions
BSD Compatible Functions.
Bug reporting
Reporting Bugs.
Build notes for binary packaging
Notes for Package Builds.
Build notes for particular systems
Notes for Particular Systems.
Build options
Build Options.
Build problems known
Known Build Problems.
C++ Interface
C++ Class Interface.
C++ istream input
C++ Formatted Input.
C++ ostream output
C++ Formatted Output.
Comparison functions <1>
Float Comparison.
Comparison functions <2>
Integer Comparisons.
Comparison functions
Comparing Rationals.
Compatibility with older versions
Compatibility with older versions.
Conditions for copying GNU MP
Configuring GMP
Installing GMP.
Useful Macros and Constants.
Conventions for parameters
Parameter Conventions.
Conventions for variables
Variable Conventions.
Conversion functions <1>
Rational Conversions.
Conversion functions <2>
Converting Floats.
Conversion functions
Converting Integers.
Copying conditions
CPUs supported
Introduction to GMP.
Custom allocation
Custom Allocation.
Demonstration programs
Build Options.
Division algorithms
Division Algorithms.
Division functions <1>
Integer Division.
Division functions <2>
Float Arithmetic.
Division functions
Rational Arithmetic.
Exact division functions
Integer Division.
Example programs
Build Options.
Exponentiation functions <1>
Integer Exponentiation.
Exponentiation functions
Float Arithmetic.
Extended GCD
Number Theoretic Functions.
Factorial functions
Number Theoretic Functions.
FDL, GNU Free Documentation License
GNU Free Documentation License.
Fibonacci sequence functions
Number Theoretic Functions.
Float arithmetic functions
Float Arithmetic.
Float assignment functions
Assigning Floats.
Float comparison functions
Float Comparison.
Float conversion functions
Converting Floats.
Float functions
Floating-point Functions.
Float init and assign functions
Simultaneous Float Init & Assign.
Float initialization functions
Initializing Floats.
Float input and output functions
I/O of Floats.
Float miscellaneous functions
Miscellaneous Float Functions.
Float sign tests
Float Comparison.
Floating-point functions
Floating-point Functions.
Floating-point number
Nomenclature and Types.
Formatted input
Formatted Input.
Formatted output
Formatted Output.
FTP of latest version
Introduction to GMP.
Function classes
Function Classes.
GMP version number
Useful Macros and Constants.
GMP Basics.
GNU Free Documentation License
GNU Free Documentation License.
Greatest common divisor algorithms
Greatest Common Divisor Algorithms.
Greatest common divisor functions
Number Theoretic Functions.
Home page
Introduction to GMP.
I/O functions <1>
I/O of Floats.
I/O functions <2>
I/O of Integers.
I/O functions
I/O of Rationals.
Initialization and assignment functions <1>
Initializing Rationals.
Initialization and assignment functions <2>
Simultaneous Float Init & Assign.
Initialization and assignment functions
Simultaneous Integer Init & Assign.
Initialization functions <1>
Initializing Integers.
Initialization functions
Initializing Floats.
Input functions <1>
I/O of Floats.
Input functions <2>
I/O of Integers.
Input functions
I/O of Rationals.
Installing GMP
Installing GMP.
Instruction Set Architecture
ABI and ISA.
Nomenclature and Types.
Integer arithmetic functions
Integer Arithmetic.
Integer assignment functions
Assigning Integers.
Integer bit manipulation functions
Integer Logic and Bit Fiddling.
Integer comparison functions
Integer Comparisons.
Integer conversion functions
Converting Integers.
Integer division functions
Integer Division.
Integer exponentiation functions
Integer Exponentiation.
Integer functions
Integer Functions.
Integer init and assign
Simultaneous Integer Init & Assign.
Integer initialization functions
Initializing Integers.
Integer input and output functions
I/O of Integers.
Integer miscellaneous functions
Miscellaneous Integer Functions.
Integer random number functions
Integer Random Numbers.
Integer root functions
Integer Roots.
Integer sign tests
Integer Comparisons.
Introduction to GMP.
ABI and ISA.
istream input
C++ Formatted Input.
Jacobi symbol functions
Number Theoretic Functions.
Kronecker symbol functions
Number Theoretic Functions.
Latest version of GMP
Introduction to GMP.
Least common multiple functions
Number Theoretic Functions.
Libtool versioning
Notes for Package Builds.
License conditions
Nomenclature and Types.
Limb size
Useful Macros and Constants.
Logical functions
Integer Logic and Bit Fiddling.
Low-level functions
Low-level Functions.
Lucas number functions
Number Theoretic Functions.
Mailing list
Introduction to GMP.
Memory allocation
Custom Allocation.
Memory Management
Memory Management.
Miscellaneous float functions
Miscellaneous Float Functions.
Miscellaneous integer functions
Miscellaneous Integer Functions.
Modular inverse functions
Number Theoretic Functions.
BSD Compatible Functions.
Build Options.
Multiplication algorithms
Multiplication Algorithms.
Nomenclature and Types.
Number theoretic functions
Number Theoretic Functions.
Numerator and denominator
Applying Integer Functions.
ostream output
C++ Formatted Output.
Output functions <1>
I/O of Integers.
Output functions <2>
I/O of Floats.
Output functions
I/O of Rationals.
Packaged builds
Notes for Package Builds.
Parameter conventions
Parameter Conventions.
Powering algorithms
Powering Algorithms.
Powering functions <1>
Integer Exponentiation.
Powering functions
Float Arithmetic.
Precision of floats
Floating-point Functions.
Prime testing functions
Number Theoretic Functions.
printf formatted output
Formatted Output.
Radix conversion algorithms
Radix Conversion Algorithms.
Random number functions <1>
Integer Random Numbers.
Random number functions
Random Number Functions.
Random number seeding
Random State Seeding.
Random number state
Random State Initialization.
Rational arithmetic functions
Rational Arithmetic.
Rational comparison functions
Comparing Rationals.
Rational conversion functions
Rational Conversions.
Rational init and assign
Initializing Rationals.
Rational input and output functions
I/O of Rationals.
Rational number
Nomenclature and Types.
Rational number functions
Rational Number Functions.
Rational numerator and denominator
Applying Integer Functions.
Rational sign tests
Comparing Rationals.
Reporting bugs
Reporting Bugs.
Root extraction algorithms
Root Extraction Algorithms.
Root extraction functions <1>
Integer Roots.
Root extraction functions
Float Arithmetic.
scanf formatted input
Formatted Input.
Shared library versioning
Notes for Package Builds.
Sign tests <1>
Comparing Rationals.
Sign tests <2>
Float Comparison.
Sign tests
Integer Comparisons.
Stack overflow segfaults
Build Options.
Stripped libraries
Known Build Problems.
Thread safety
Nomenclature and Types.
Upward compatibility
Compatibility with older versions.
Useful macros and constants
Useful Macros and Constants.
User-defined precision
Floating-point Functions.
Variable conventions
Variable Conventions.
Version number
Useful Macros and Constants.
Web page
Introduction to GMP.

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