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GNU Info ( BindingsLanguage Bindings ***************** The following packages and projects offer access to GMP from languages other than C, though perhaps with varying levels of functionality and efficiency. C++ * GMP C++ class interface, Note: C++ Class Interface Straightforward interface, expression templates to eliminate temporaries. * ALP `' Linear algebra and polynomials using templates. * CLN `"' High level classes for arithmetic. * LiDIA `' A C++ library for computational number theory. * NTL `' A C++ number theory library. Fortran * Omni F77 `' Arbitrary precision floats. Haskell * Glasgow Haskell Compiler `' Java * Kaffe `' * Kissme `' Lisp * GNU Common Lisp `' In the process of switching to GMP for bignums. * Librep `' M4 * GNU m4 betas `' Optionally provides an arbitrary precision `mpeval'. ML * MLton compiler `' Oz * Mozart `' Perl * GMP module, see `demos/perl' in the GMP sources. * Math::GMP `' Compatible with Math::BigInt, but not as many functions as the GMP module above. Pike * mpz module in the standard distribution, `' Prolog * SWI Prolog `' Arbitrary precision floats. Python * mpz module in the standard distribution, `' Scheme * RScheme `' Other * DrGenius `' Geometry system and mathematical programming language. * GiNaC `' C++ computer algebra using CLN. * Maxima `' Macsyma computer algebra using GCL. * Q `' Equational programming system. * Yacas `' Computer algebra system. automatically generated by info2www version |