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Selecting Recipients

 - Data type: GpgmeRecipients
     The `GpgmeRecipients' type is a handle for a set of recipients
     that can be used in an encryption process.

 - Function: GpgmeError gpgme_recipients_new (GpgmeRecipients *R_RSET)
     The function `gpgme_recipients_new' creates a new, empty set of
     recipients and returns a handle for it in R_RSET.

     The function returns `GPGME_No_Error' if the recipient set could
     be created successfully, and `GPGME_Out_Of_Core' if not enough
     memory was available.

 - Function: void gpgme_recipients_release (GpgmeRecipients RSET)
     The function `gpgme_recipients_release' destroys the set of
     recipients RSET and releases all associated resources.

 - Function: GpgmeError gpgme_recipients_add_name
          (GpgmeRecipients RSET, const char *NAME)
     The function `gpgme_recipients_add_name' adds the recipient NAME
     to the set of recipients RSET.  This is equivalent to
     `gpgme_recipients_add_name_with_validity' with a validity of

     The function returns `GPGME_No_Error' if the recipient was added
     successfully, `GPGME_Invalid_Value' if RSET or NAME is not a valid
     pointer, and `GPGME_Out_Of_Core' if not enough memory is available.

 - Function: GpgmeError gpgme_recipients_add_name_with_validity
          (GpgmeRecipients RSET, const char *NAME, GpgmeValidity VAL)
     The function `gpgme_recipients_add_name_with_validity' adds the
     recipient NAME with the validity VAL to the set of recipients
     RSET.  If the validity is not known, the function
     `gpgme_recipients_add_name' can be used.  Note: Information About
     Keys, for the possible values for VAL.

     The function returns `GPGME_No_Error' if the recipient was added
     successfully, `GPGME_Invalid_Value' if RSET or NAME is not a valid
     pointer, and `GPGME_Out_Of_Core' if not enough memory is available.

 - Function: unsigned int gpgme_recipients_count
          (const GPGMERECIPIENTS RSET)
     The function `gpgme_recipients_count' returns the number of
     recipients in the set RSET.

 - Function: GpgmeError gpgme_recipients_enum_open
          (const GpgmeRecipients RSET, void **ITER)
     The function `gpgme_recipients_enum_open' creates a new iterator
     ITER that can be used to walk through the set of recipients in
     RSET, using `gpgme_recipients_enum_read'.

     If the iterator is not needed anymore, it can be closed with

     The function returns `GPGME_No_Error' if the enumerator was
     successfully created and `GPGME_Invalid_Value' if RSET or ITER is
     not a valid pointer.

 - Function: const char * gpgme_recipients_enum_read
          (const GpgmeRecipients RSET, void **ITER)
     The function `gpgme_recipients_enum_read' returns a string
     containing the name of the next recipient in the set RSET for the
     iterator ITER.  The string is valid as long as RSET is valid or
     the function is called the next time with the same recipient set
     and iterator, whatever is earlier.

 - Function: GpgmeError gpgme_recipients_enum_close
          (const GpgmeRecipients RSET, void **ITER)
     The function `gpgme_recipients_enum_close' releases the iterator
     ITER for the recipient set RSET.

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