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 - Function: Gpm_Roi* Gpm_PushRoi (int XMIN, int YMIN, int XMAX, int
     int MASK, Gpm_Handler *FUN, void *XTRADATA);

     This function pushes a Region of Interest on top of the stack,
     after allocating it and filling with the provided values. FUN is
     the function which will be called in order to handle events, and
     the roi itself will be passed to the function as clientdata. The
     Roi is represented by a `struct Gpm_Roi' structure, described in
     `gpm.h'.  The `xtradata' field will be used to fill the `xtradata'
     field in `Gpm_Roi'.  the return value is the Roi just pushed (i.e.
     the top of stack).

 - Function: char* Gpm_UseRoi (Gpm_Roi *ROI);
     While `Gpm_PushRoi' has to allocate the Region before pushing it,
     this function passes a pre-allocated function to the stack manager.
     The return value is the Roi just used.

 - Function: Gpm_Roi* Gpm_PopRoi (Gpm_Roi *ROI);
     Used to extract a Region of Interest from the stack, this function
     will also clear the Region if it is needed.

 - Function: Gpm_Roi* Gpm_RaiseRoi (Gpm_Roi *WHICH, Gpm_Roi *BEFORE);
     Raise the specified roi, either before the second Roi or at top-of-
     stack (if BEFORE is `NULL'). The return value is the new

 - Function: Gpm_Roi* Gpm_LowerRoi (Gpm_Roi *WHICH, Gpm_Roi *AFTER);
     Lower the specified roi, either after the second Roi or at
     bottom-of- stack (if BEFORE is NULL). The return value is the new

 - Function: Gpm_Roi* Gpm_HandleRoi (Gpm_Event *EPTR, void *
     This function, which should not be invoked by the user, is the
     dispatching manager within the application for mouse events. This
     function will browse the stack of regions of interest in order to
     notify windows about Enter and Leave events (if they are
     interested in them), and then delivers the current event to the
     relevant Roi.

     If no Roi is interested in he event the `*gpm_roi_handler' function
     is invoked (if not null), with null clientdata.

     Reported events are all those in `Gpm_Event', and also `GPM_ENTER'
     and `GPM_LEAVE'. These can be used to toggle highlighting on a
     button or to drop a menu if the menubutton is entered during a
     drag.  Remember that when Enter or Leave is notified, no other
     information in the event item should be used.

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