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Info Node: (groff)Page Control

(groff)Page Control

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Page Control

 - Request: .bp [page]
 - Request: .bp +page
 - Request: .bp -page
     Stop processing the current page and move to the next page.  This
     request causes a break.  It can also take an argument to set
     (increase, decrease) the page number of the next page.  The only
     difference between `bp' and `pn' is that `pn' does not cause a
     break or actually eject a page.

          .de newpage                         \" define macro
          'bp                                 \" begin page
          'sp .5i                             \" vertical space
          .tl 'left top'center top'right top' \" title
          'sp .3i                             \" vertical space
          ..                                  \" end macro

     `bp' has no effect if not called within the top-level diversion
     (Note: Diversions).

 - Request: .ne [space]
     It is often necessary to force a certain amount of space before a
     new page occurs.  This is most useful to make sure that there is
     not a single "orphan" line left at the bottom of a page.  The `ne'
     request ensures that there is a certain distance, specified by the
     first argument, before the next page is triggered (see Note:
     Traps, for further information).  The default unit for `ne' is
     `v'; the default value of SPACE is 1v if no argument is given.

     For example, to make sure that no fewer than 2 lines get orphaned,
     do the following before each paragraph:

          .ne 2
          text text text

 - Request: .sv [space]
     `sv' is similar to the `ne' request; it reserves the specified
     amount of vertical space.  If the desired amount of space exists
     before the next trap (bottom page boundary), the space is output
     immediately (ignoring a partial filled line which stays
     untouched).  If there is not enough space, it is stored for later
     output via the `os' request.  The default value is 1v if no
     argument is given; the default unit is `v'.

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