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 - Command: install [`--force-lba'] [`--stage2=os_stage2_file']
          stage1_file [`d'] dest_dev stage2_file [addr] [`p']
          [config_file] [real_config_file]
     This command is fairly complex, and you should not use this command
     unless you are familiar with GRUB. Use `setup' (Note: setup)

     In short, it will perform a full install presuming the Stage 2 or
     Stage 1.5(1) (Note: install-Footnote-1) is in its final install

     In slightly more detail, it will load STAGE1_FILE, validate that
     it is a GRUB Stage 1 of the right version number, install a
     blocklist for loading STAGE2_FILE as a Stage 2. If the option `d'
     is present, the Stage 1 will always look for the actual disk
     STAGE2_FILE was installed on, rather than using the booting drive.
     The Stage 2 will be loaded at address ADDR, which must be `0x8000'
     for a true Stage 2, and `0x2000' for a Stage 1.5. If ADDR is not
     present, GRUB will determine the address automatically. It then
     writes the completed Stage 1 to the first block of the device
     DEST_DEV. If the options `p' or CONFIG_FILE are present, then it
     reads the first block of stage2, modifies it with the values of
     the partition STAGE2_FILE was found on (for `p') or places the
     string CONFIG_FILE into the area telling the stage2 where to look
     for a configuration file at boot time. Likewise, if
     REAL_CONFIG_FILE is present and STAGE2_FILE is a Stage 1.5, then
     the Stage 2 CONFIG_FILE is patched with the configuration file
     name REAL_CONFIG_FILE. This command preserves the DOS BPB (and for
     hard disks, the partition table) of the sector the Stage 1 is to
     be installed into.

     *Caution:* Several buggy BIOSes don't pass a booting drive
     properly when booting from a hard disk drive. Therefore, you will
     have to specify the option `d', whether your Stage2 resides at the
     booting drive or not, if you have such a BIOS unfortunately. We
     know these are defective in that:

          Fujitsu LifeBook 400 BIOS version 31J0103A

          HP Vectra XU 6/200 BIOS version GG.06.11

     *Caution2:* A number of BIOSes don't return a correct LBA support
     bitmap even if they do have the support. So GRUB provides a
     solution to ignore the wrong bitmap, that is, the option
     `--force-lba'. Don't use this option if you know that your BIOS
     doesn't have LBA support.

     *Caution3:* You must specify the option `--stage2' in the grub
     shell, if you cannot unmount the filesystem where your stage2 file
     resides. The argument should be the file name in your operating

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