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Uniform Arrays

"Uniform arrays" have elements all of the same type and occupy less
storage than conventional arrays.  Uniform arrays with a single
zero-based dimension are also known as "uniform vectors".  The
procedures in this section can also be used on conventional arrays,
vectors, bit-vectors and strings.

When creating a uniform array, the type of data to be stored is
indicated with a PROTOTYPE argument.  The following table lists the
types available and example prototypes:

     prototype           type                       printing character
     #t             boolean (bit-vector)                    b
     #\a            char (string)                           a
     #\nul          byte (integer)                          y
     's             short (integer)                         h
     1              unsigned long (integer)                 u
     -1             signed long (integer)                   e
     'l             signed long long (integer)              l
     1.0            float (single precision)                s
     1/3            double (double precision float)         i
     0+i            complex (double precision)              c
     ()             conventional vector

Unshared uniform arrays of characters with a single zero-based dimension
are identical to strings:

     (make-uniform-array #\a 3) =>

Unshared uniform arrays of booleans with a single zero-based dimension
are identical to Note: bit-vectors.

     (make-uniform-array #t 3) =>

Other uniform vectors are written in a form similar to that of vectors,
except that a single character from the above table is put between `#'
and `('.  For example, a uniform vector of signed long integers is
displayed in the form `'#e(3 5 9)'.

 - primitive: array? v [prot]
     Returns `#t' if the OBJ is an array, and `#f' if not.

     The PROTOTYPE argument is used with uniform arrays and is described

 - procedure: make-uniform-array prototype bound1 bound2 ...
     Creates and returns a uniform array of type corresponding to
     PROTOTYPE that has as many dimensions as there are BOUNDs and
     fills it with PROTOTYPE.

 - primitive: array-prototype ra
     Returns an object that would produce an array of the same type as
     ARRAY, if used as the PROTOTYPE for `make-uniform-array'.

 - primitive: list->uniform-array ndim prot lst
 - procedure: list->uniform-vector prot lst
     Returns a uniform array of the type indicated by prototype PROT
     with elements the same as those of LST.  Elements must be of the
     appropriate type, no coercions are done.

 - primitive: uniform-vector-fill! uve fill
     Stores FILL in every element of UVE.  The value returned is

 - primitive: uniform-vector-length v
     Returns the number of elements in UVE.

 - primitive: dimensions->uniform-array dims prot [fill]
 - primitive: make-uniform-vector length prototype [fill]
     Creates and returns a uniform array or vector of type
     corresponding to PROTOTYPE with dimensions DIMS or length LENGTH.
     If FILL is supplied, it's used to fill the array, otherwise
     PROTOTYPE is used.

 - primitive: uniform-array-read! ra [port_or_fd [start [end]]]
 - primitive: uniform-vector-read! uve [port-or-fdes] [start] [end]
     Attempts to read all elements of URA, in lexicographic order, as
     binary objects from PORT-OR-FDES.  If an end of file is
     encountered during uniform-array-read! the objects up to that
     point only are put into URA (starting at the beginning) and the
     remainder of the array is unchanged.

     The optional arguments START and END allow a specified region of a
     vector (or linearized array) to be read, leaving the remainder of
     the vector unchanged.

     `uniform-array-read!' returns the number of objects read.
     PORT-OR-FDES may be omitted, in which case it defaults to the value
     returned by `(current-input-port)'.

 - primitive: uniform-array-write v [port_or_fd [start [end]]]
 - primitive: uniform-vector-write uve [port-or-fdes] [start] [end]
     Writes all elements of URA as binary objects to PORT-OR-FDES.

     The optional arguments START and END allow a specified region of a
     vector (or linearized array) to be written.

     The number of objects actually written is returned.  PORT-OR-FDES
     may be omitted, in which case it defaults to the value returned by

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