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`heroeslvl' options

   `heroeslvl' takes a list of levels to inspect in argument, and
support the following options.

   When no options are given, `heroeslvl' defaults to `-ipfh'.

     Display `heroeslvl' version number and copyright informations.

     Print a help message about these run-time options.

`-p WHAT'
     Select what information `heroeslvl' should display. `WHAT' can be
     one or more of the following characters.

          Print square directions.  Square directions are used on
          tunnel to indicate the entrance direction, and on speed tiles
          to indicate the direction of the acceleration.

          Print the filename of each processed file.

          Print header information.  This include level size,
          soundtrack and tilesets to use, starting positions...

          Print tile details.  This will display a list of all tiles,
          along with some of their attributes (type of the tile, adress
          of its sprite, animation information).

          Print square type map.  Display a map of the level, rendering
          each square with a character indicating the square type.

          Display the character used as type keys in the `-pt' output.

          Print wall map.  Display a map of the level, rendering each
          square with a character indicating the number of neighboring
          walls.  (Walls are just bits indicating the directions that
          can be used to exit from a square; they not always map to
          something visible on the level.)

          Print the list of tunnels, with position, direction, and

     Indent everything but the filenames of each level processed.  Note
     that filenames are only displayed if requested by `-pf'.

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