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   Each time you start heroes, it tries to read the system-wide
configuration file `heroesrc' (in the `$datadir/heroes/etc/' directory)
and from the `~/.heroes/heroesrc' in your home directory.


   You can specify options in that file, they will be processed before
any options given on the command line.  Put the word `Options:' in
front of a line, and write the options after (separated by spaces, as on
the command line, except that there is no quoting or variable
substitution).  For example, if you want that Heroes always skip the
introduction, and swap the player sides, add the following line to your

     Options: -g -s

   Multiple `Options:' lines can be given, they are processed in order.


   You can also have line starting with `setenv:', followed by a
variable name and a value (the rest of the line, after the variable name
is taken as the value).  This will setup the corresponding environment
variable.  This provide a way to configure the used libraries.  For
example, to instruct SDL to use its DGA driver, use the following line:
     setenv: SDL_VIDEODRIVER dga

   This may seam redundant with `--gfx-options' and `--driver' but can
be used to configure other libraries.  For example, setup GGI or SDL to
use AAlib (the ASCII art rendering library) and configure AAlib via its
`AAOPTS' variable.


   Lines starting with `extradir:' are used to specify additional extra
levels directories.


   The `soundconf:' lines are used to introduce configuration files
defining the sound tracks played by the game.  The format of such files
is as follow:
   Where `ALIAS' is the name of the sound track used internally by
Heroes, `FILENAME' is the filename of the sound track you want to be
loaded, `TITLE' is the title of the sound track, and `AUTHOR' is the
person who tracked that music.

   You may give several definitions for the same alias, in which case
only the latest will be used (and of course your configuration file is
read after heroes has setup its default aliases so you can overwrite

   Presently the set of used aliases include
You can overwrite them, but you can also define your own aliases: they
will be available in the jukebox menu.

   To give one full example, imagine you want to hear
`/music/2nd-reality.s3m' when you are playing Heroes in the second
world (desert and pyramids).  What you do is this
     % cd ~/.heroes
     % echo "HEROES02:/music/2nd-reality.s3m:\
     Second Reality:Purple Motion" > mymod
     % echo "soundconf: /home/adl/.heroes/mymod" >> heroesrc

   In this example, the configuration file has been put in the
`~/.heroes' directory but you can put it anywhere provided the filename
given after `soundconf:' points to it.

   All that sound configuration stuff should allow you to make drop-in
replacement for heroes modules.  You just make a set of modules
available with a configuration file that any user can get read from its

   You can run `heroes --list=sound-tracks' to print the list of
sound-tracks used by heroes, and hence verify the correctness of your


   This follow the same format as `setenv' but is used to overwrite
some filenames used by the game.  Heroes internally handles file or
directory names using name aliases called file resources whose values
(actual filenames) can be overwritten by `setrsc' and are subject to
variable expansion.

   The command `heroes --list=resources' will list all the resources
used by the game.  `data-dir' is a special resource which content is
setup from the `HEROES_DATA_DIR' environment variable, or from the path
used to install the files when the game was built. `home-dir' is
initialized from the `HOME' environment variable.

   An example of `setrsc:' usage is to run the game with an alternate
picture file.  Say you are working on a modified version of the main
font used in the game, you can override the installed picture by yours
with the following line.

     setrsc: main-font /home/adl/heroes-dev/tmp/fontem.pcx

`keepsgid:' and `keepsuid:'

   By default, if Heroes has a sgid-bit or suid-bit, it will drop all
privileges once the score and saved games are open.  This happens
before the user configuration is read, and therefore before the display
and sound are initialized.

   Sometime you do not want these privileges to be dropped because your
setup requires them.  For instance your display driver might require
read/write access to /dev/mem, or a similar requirement may exist for
the sound library).

   `keepsgid: yes' and `keepsuid: yes' can be used to instruct Heroes
to keep the s-bit privileges for its whole life.  These commands can
only be used in the system-wide configuration file.

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