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History Programming Example

   The following program demonstrates simple use of the GNU History

     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <readline/history.h>
     main (argc, argv)
          int argc;
          char **argv;
       char line[1024], *t;
       int len, done = 0;
       line[0] = 0;
       using_history ();
       while (!done)
           printf ("history$ ");
           fflush (stdout);
           t = fgets (line, sizeof (line) - 1, stdin);
           if (t && *t)
               len = strlen (t);
               if (t[len - 1] == '\n')
                 t[len - 1] = '\0';
           if (!t)
             strcpy (line, "quit");
           if (line[0])
               char *expansion;
               int result;
               result = history_expand (line, &expansion);
               if (result)
                 fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", expansion);
               if (result < 0 || result == 2)
                   free (expansion);
               add_history (expansion);
               strncpy (line, expansion, sizeof (line) - 1);
               free (expansion);
           if (strcmp (line, "quit") == 0)
             done = 1;
           else if (strcmp (line, "save") == 0)
             write_history ("history_file");
           else if (strcmp (line, "read") == 0)
             read_history ("history_file");
           else if (strcmp (line, "list") == 0)
               register HIST_ENTRY **the_list;
               register int i;
               the_list = history_list ();
               if (the_list)
                 for (i = 0; the_list[i]; i++)
                   printf ("%d: %s\n", i + history_base, the_list[i]->line);
           else if (strncmp (line, "delete", 6) == 0)
               int which;
               if ((sscanf (line + 6, "%d", &which)) == 1)
                   HIST_ENTRY *entry = remove_history (which);
                   if (!entry)
                     fprintf (stderr, "No such entry %d\n", which);
                       free (entry->line);
                       free (entry);
                   fprintf (stderr, "non-numeric arg given to `delete'\n");

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