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Info Node: ( Summary

( Summary

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Option Summary

   Here is a list of all the options for `indent', alphabetized by
short option.  It is followed by a cross key alphabetized by long

     Force blank lines after the declarations.
     Note: Blank lines.

     Force blank lines after procedure bodies.
     Note: Blank lines.

     Force blank lines before block comments.
     Note: Blank lines.

     Prefer to break long lines before boolean operators.
     Note: Breaking long lines.

     Force newline after comma in declaration.
     Note: Declarations.

     Put braces on line after `if', etc.
     Note: Statements.

     Indent braces N spaces.
     Note: Statements.

     Put braces on the line after `struct' declaration lines.
     Note: Declarations.

     Put braces on line with `if', etc.
     Note: Statements.

     Put braces on `struct' declaration line.
     Note: Declarations.

     Put a space between `sizeof' and its argument.
     Note: Statements.

     Put comments to the right of code in column N.
     Note: Comments.

     Indent braces after a case label N spaces.
     Note: Statements.

     Put comments to the right of the declarations in column N.
     Note: Comments.

     Put comment delimiters on blank lines.
     Note: Comments.

     Cuddle while of `do {} while;' and preceeding `}'.
     Note: Comments.

     Cuddle else and preceeding `}'.
     Note: Comments.

     Continuation indent of N spaces.
     Note: Statements.

     Case label indent of N spaces.
     Note: Statements.

     Put comments to the right of `#else' and `#endif' statements in
     column N.
     Note: Comments.

     Put a space after a cast operator.
     Note: Statements.

     Set indentation of comments not to the right of code to N spaces.
     Note: Comments.

     Align all arguments in a declaration with opening paren.
     Note: Declarations.

     Put variables in column N.
     Note: Declarations.

     Format comments in the first column.
     Note: Comments.

     Do not disable all formatting of comments.
     Note: Comments.

     Use GNU coding style.  This is the default.
     Note: Common styles.

     Prefer to break long lines at the position of newlines in the
     Note: Breaking long lines.

     Set indentation level to N spaces.
     Note: Indentation.

     Indent parameter types in old-style function definitions by N
     Note: Indentation.

     Use Kernighan & Ritchie coding style.
     Note: Common styles.

     Set maximum line length for non-comment lines to N.
     Note: Breaking long lines.

     Set maximum line length for comment formatting to N.
     Note: Comments.

     Line up continued lines at parentheses.
     Note: Indentation.

     Leave space between `#' and preprocessor directive.
     Note: Indentation.

     Do not force blank lines after declarations.
     Note: Blank lines.

     Do not force blank lines after procedure bodies.
     Note: Blank lines.

     Do not prefer to break long lines before boolean operators.
     Note: Breaking long lines.

     Do not force newlines after commas in declarations.
     Note: Declarations.

     Don't put each argument in a function declaration on a seperate
     Note: Declarations.

     Do not put comment delimiters on blank lines.
     Note: Comments.

     Do not cuddle `}' and the `while' of a `do {} while;'.
     Note: Statements.

     Do not cuddle `}' and `else'.
     Note: Statements.

     Do not put a space after cast operators.
     Note: Statements.

     Do not format comments in the first column as normal.
     Note: Comments.

     Do not format any comments.
     Note: Comments.

     Do not prefer to break long lines at the position of newlines in
     the input.
     Note: Breaking long lines.

     Zero width indentation for parameters.
     Note: Indentation.

     Do not line up parentheses.
     Note: Statements.

     Do not put space after the function in function calls.
     Note: Statements.

     Do not put a space after every '(' and before every ')'.
     Note: Statements.

     Put the type of a procedure on the same line as its name.
     Note: Declarations.

     Do not put a space after every `for'.
     Note: Statements.

     Do not put a space after every `if'.
     Note: Statements.

     Do not put a space after every `while'.
     Note: Statements.

     Do not put the `*' character at the left of comments.
     Note: Comments.

     Do not swallow optional blank lines.
     Note: Blank lines.

     Do not force a space before the semicolon after certain statements.
     Disables `-ss'.
     Note: Statements.

     Use spaces instead of tabs.
     Note: Indentation.

     Disable verbose mode.
     Note: Miscellaneous options.

     Use the original Berkeley coding style.
     Note: Common styles.

     Do not read `' files.
     Note: Invoking indent.

     Insert a space between the name of the procedure being called and
     the `('.
     Note: Statements.

     Specify the extra indentation per open parentheses '(' when a
     statement is broken.  Note: Statements.

     Preserve access and modification times on output files.  Note:
     Miscellaneous options.

     Put a space after every '(' and before every ')'.
     Note: Statements.

     Put the type of a procedure on the line before its name.
     Note: Declarations.

     Put a space after each `for'.
     Note: Statements.

     Put a space after each `if'.
     Note: Statements.

     Put a space after each `while'.
     Note: Statements.

     Indent braces of a struct, union or enum N spaces.
     Note: Statements.

     Put the `*' character at the left of comments.
     Note: Comments.

     Swallow optional blank lines.
     Note: Blank lines.

     On one-line `for' and `while' statments, force a blank before the
     Note: Statements.

     Write to standard output.
     Note: Invoking indent.

     Tell `indent' the name of typenames.
     Note: Declarations.

     Set tab size to N spaces.
     Note: Indentation.

     Use tabs. This is the default.
     Note: Indentation.

     Enable verbose mode.
     Note: Miscellaneous options.

     Output the version number of `indent'.
     Note: Miscellaneous options.

Options' Cross Key

   Here is a list of options alphabetized by long option, to help you
find the corresponding short option.

     --blank-lines-after-commas                      -bc
     --blank-lines-after-declarations                -bad
     --blank-lines-after-procedures                  -bap
     --blank-lines-before-block-comments             -bbb
     --braces-after-if-line                          -bl
     --brace-indent                                  -bli
     --braces-after-struct-decl-line                 -bls
     --braces-on-if-line                             -br
     --braces-on-struct-decl-line                    -brs
     --break-after-boolean-operator                  -nbbo
     --break-before-boolean-operator                 -bbo
     --break-function-decl-args                      -bfda
     --case-indentation                              -cliN
     --case-brace-indentation                        -cbiN
     --comment-delimiters-on-blank-lines             -cdb
     --comment-indentation                           -cN
     --continuation-indentation                      -ciN
     --continue-at-parentheses                       -lp
     --cuddle-do-while                               -cdw
     --cuddle-else                                   -ce
     --declaration-comment-column                    -cdN
     --declaration-indentation                       -diN
     --dont-break-function-decl-args                 -nbfda
     --dont-break-procedure-type                     -npsl
     --dont-cuddle-do-while                          -ncdw
     --dont-cuddle-else                              -nce
     --dont-format-comments                          -nfca
     --dont-format-first-column-comments             -nfc1
     --dont-line-up-parentheses                      -nlp
     --dont-space-special-semicolon                  -nss
     --dont-star-comments                            -nsc
     --else-endif-column                             -cpN
     --format-all-comments                           -fca
     --format-first-column-comments                  -fc1
     --gnu-style                                     -gnu
     --honour-newlines                               -hnl
     --ignore-newlines                               -nhnl
     --ignore-profile                                -npro
     --indent-level                                  -iN
     --k-and-r-style                                 -kr
     --leave-optional-blank-lines                    -nsob
     --leave-preprocessor-space                      -lps
     --line-comments-indentation                     -dN
     --line-length                                   -lN
     --no-blank-lines-after-commas                   -nbc
     --no-blank-lines-after-declarations             -nbad
     --no-blank-lines-after-procedures               -nbap
     --no-blank-lines-before-block-comments          -nbbb
     --no-comment-delimiters-on-blank-lines          -ncdb
     --no-space-after-casts                          -ncs
     --no-parameter-indentation                      -nip
     --no-space-after-for				-nsaf
     --no-space-after-function-call-names            -npcs
     --no-space-after-if				-nsai
     --no-space-after-parentheses                    -nprs
     --no-space-after-while				-nsaw
     --no-tabs                                       -nut
     --no-verbosity                                  -nv
     --original                                      -orig
     --parameter-indentation                         -ipN
     --paren-indentation                             -piN
     --preserve-mtime				-pmt
     --procnames-start-lines                         -psl
     --space-after-cast                              -cs
     --space-after-for				-saf
     --space-after-if				-sai
     --space-after-parentheses                       -prs
     --space-after-procedure-calls                   -pcs
     --space-after-while				-saw
     --space-special-semicolon                       -ss
     --standard-output                               -st
     --start-left-side-of-comments                   -sc
     --struct-brace-indentation                      -sbiN
     --swallow-optional-blank-lines                  -sob
     --tab-size                                      -tsN
     --use-tabs                                      -ut
     --verbose                                       -v

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