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Writing on an `ostream'

   These methods write on an `ostream' (you may also use the operator
`<<'; Note: Operators and Default Streams.).

 - Method: ostream& ostream::put (char C)
     Write the single character C.

 - Method: ostream& ostream::write (STRING, int LENGTH)
     Write LENGTH characters of a string to this `ostream', beginning
     at the pointer STRING.

     STRING may have any of these types: `char*', `unsigned char*',
     `signed char*'.

 - Method: ostream& ostream::form (const char *FORMAT, ...)
     A GNU extension, similar to `fprintf(FILE, FORMAT, ...)'.

     FORMAT is a `printf'-style format control string, which is used to
     format the (variable number of) arguments, printing the result on
     this `ostream'.  See `ostream::vform' for a version that uses an
     argument list rather than a variable number of arguments.

 - Method: ostream& ostream::vform (const char *FORMAT, va_list ARGS)
     A GNU extension, similar to `vfprintf(FILE, FORMAT, ARGS)'.

     FORMAT is a `printf'-style format control string, which is used to
     format the argument list ARGS, printing the result on this
     `ostream'.  See `ostream::form' for a version that uses a variable
     number of arguments rather than an argument list.

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