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Checking a single word

   The simplest emacs command for calling ispell is 'M-$' (meta-dollar.
On some terminals, you must type ESC-$.) This checks the spelling of
the word under the cursor.  If the word is found in the dictionary,
then a message is printed in the echo area.  Otherwise, ISPELL attempts
to generate near misses.

   If any near misses are found, they are displayed in a separate
window, each preceded by a digit or character.  If one of these is the
word you wanted, just type its digit or character, and it will replace
the original word in your buffer.

   If no near miss is right, or if none are displayed, you have five

     Insert the word in your private dictionary.  Use this if you know
     that the word is spelled correctly.

     Accept the word for the duration of this editing session, but do
     not put it in your private dictionary.  Use this if you are not
     sure about the spelling of the word, but you do not want to look
     it up immediately, or for terms that appear in your document but
     are not truly words.  The next time you start ispell, it will have
     forgotten any accepted words.

     Leave the word alone, and consider it misspelled if it is checked

     Replace the word.  This command prompts you for a string in the
     minibuffer.  You may type more than one word, and each word you
     type is checked again, possibly finding other near misses.  This
     command provides a handy way to close in on a word that you have
     no idea how to spell.  You can keep trying different spellings
     until you find one that is close enough to get a near miss.

     Lookup.  Display words from the dictionary that contain a
     specified substring.  The substring is a regular expression, which
     means it can contain special characters to be more selective about
     which words get displayed.  Note: Regexps.

     If the only special character in the regular expression is a
     leading `^', then a very fast binary search will be used, instead
     of scanning the whole file.

     Only a few matching words can be displayed in the ISPELL window.
     If you want to see more, use the `look' program directly from the

   Of course, you can also type `<Ctrl>-g' to stop the command without
changing anything.

   If you make a change that you don't like, just use emacs' normal undo
feature Note: undo.

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