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`mktex' script arguments

  The first argument to a `mktex' script is always the name of the file
to be created.

  In the default `mktexpk' implementation, additional arguments may
also be passed:

`--dpi NUM'
     Sets the resolution of the generated font to NUM.

`--mfmode NAME'
     Sets the Metafont mode to NAME.

`--bdpi NUM'
     Sets the the "base dpi" for the font.  This must match the mode
     being used.

`--mag STRING'
     A "magstep" string suitable for the Metafont `mag' variable.  This
     must match the combination of BDPI and DPI being used.

`--destdir STRING'
     A directory name. If the directory is absolute, it is used as-is.
     Otherwise, it is appended to the root destination directory set in
     the script.

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