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   The following type style commands are supported by LaTeX.

   These commands are used like `\textit{italics text}'. The
corresponding command in parenthesis is the "declaration form", which
takes no arguments. The scope of the declaration form lasts until the
next type style command or the end of the current group.

   The declaration forms are cumulative; i.e., you can say
`\sffamily\bfseries' to get sans serif boldface.

   You can also use the environment form of the declaration forms; e.g.

`\textrm (\rmfamily)'

`\textit (\itshape)'

     Emphasis (toggles between \textit and \textrm).

`\textmd (\mdseries)'
     Medium weight (default). The opposite of boldface.

`\textbf (\bfseries)'

`\textup (\upshape)'
     Upright (default). The opposite of slanted.

`\textsl (\slshape)'

`\textsf (\sffamily)'
     Sans serif.

`\textsc (\scshape)'
     Small caps.

`\texttt (\ttfamily)'

`\textnormal (\normalfont)'
     Main document font.

     Roman, for use in math mode.

     Boldface, for use in math mode.

     Sans serif, for use in math mode.

     Typewriter, for use in math mode.

     Italics, for use in math mode, e.g. variable names with several

     For use in math mode, e.g. inside another type style declaration.

     `Calligraphic' letters, for use in math mode.

   In addition, the command `\mathversion{bold}' can be used for
switching to bold letters and symbols in formulas.
`\mathversion{normal}' restores the default.

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