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Flags for the `argp_help' Function

   When calling `argp_help' (Note: Argp Help) or `argp_state_help'
(Note: Argp Helper Functions) the exact output is determined by the
FLAGS argument.  This should consist of any of the following flags,
or'd together:

     A unix `Usage:' message that explicitly lists all options.

     A unix `Usage:' message that displays an appropriate placeholder to
     indicate where the options go; useful for showing the non-option
     argument syntax.

     A `Try ... for more help' message; `...' contains the program name
     and `--help'.

     A verbose option help message that gives each option available
     along with its documentation string.

     The part of the argp parser doc string preceding the verbose
     option help.

     The part of the argp parser doc string that following the verbose
     option help.


     A message that prints where to report bugs for this program, if the
     `argp_program_bug_address' variable contains this information.

     This will modify any output to reflect the `ARGP_LONG_ONLY' mode.

   The following flags are only understood when used with
`argp_state_help'.  They control whether the function returns after
printing its output, or terminates the program:

     This will terminate the program with `exit (argp_err_exit_status)'.

     This will terminate the program with `exit (0)'.

   The following flags are combinations of the basic flags for printing
standard messages:

     Assuming that an error message for a parsing error has printed,
     this prints a message on how to get help, and terminates the
     program with an error.

     This prints a standard usage message and terminates the program
     with an error.  This is used when no other specific error messages
     are appropriate or available.

     This prints the standard response for a `--help' option, and
     terminates the program successfully.

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