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Reading and Closing a Directory Stream

   This section describes how to read directory entries from a directory
stream, and how to close the stream when you are done with it.  All the
symbols are declared in the header file `dirent.h'.

 - Function: struct dirent * readdir (DIR *DIRSTREAM)
     This function reads the next entry from the directory.  It normally
     returns a pointer to a structure containing information about the
     file.  This structure is statically allocated and can be rewritten
     by a subsequent call.

     *Portability Note:* On some systems `readdir' may not return
     entries for `.' and `..', even though these are always valid file
     names in any directory.  Note: File Name Resolution.

     If there are no more entries in the directory or an error is
     detected, `readdir' returns a null pointer.  The following `errno'
     error conditions are defined for this function:

          The DIRSTREAM argument is not valid.

     `readdir' is not thread safe.  Multiple threads using `readdir' on
     the same DIRSTREAM may overwrite the return value.  Use
     `readdir_r' when this is critical.

 - Function: int readdir_r (DIR *DIRSTREAM, struct dirent *ENTRY,
          struct dirent **RESULT)
     This function is the reentrant version of `readdir'.  Like
     `readdir' it returns the next entry from the directory.  But to
     prevent conflicts between simultaneously running threads the
     result is not stored in statically allocated memory.  Instead the
     argument ENTRY points to a place to store the result.

     The return value is `0' in case the next entry was read
     successfully.  In this case a pointer to the result is returned in
     *RESULT.  It is not required that *RESULT is the same as ENTRY.
     If something goes wrong while executing `readdir_r' the function
     returns a value indicating the error (as described for `readdir').

     If there are no more directory entries, `readdir_r''s return value
     is `0', and *RESULT is set to `NULL'.

     *Portability Note:* On some systems `readdir_r' may not return a
     NUL terminated string for the file name, even when there is no
     `d_reclen' field in `struct dirent' and the file name is the
     maximum allowed size.  Modern systems all have the `d_reclen'
     field, and on old systems multi-threading is not critical.  In any
     case there is no such problem with the `readdir' function, so that
     even on systems without the `d_reclen' member one could use
     multiple threads by using external locking.

     It is also important to look at the definition of the `struct
     dirent' type.  Simply passing a pointer to an object of this type
     for the second parameter of `readdir_r' might not be enough.  Some
     systems don't define the `d_name' element sufficiently long.  In
     this case the user has to provide additional space.  There must be
     room for at least `NAME_MAX + 1' characters in the `d_name' array.
     Code to call `readdir_r' could look like this:

              struct dirent d;
              char b[offsetof (struct dirent, d_name) + NAME_MAX + 1];
            } u;
            if (readdir_r (dir, &u.d, &res) == 0)

   To support large filesystems on 32-bit machines there are LFS
variants of the last two functions.

 - Function: struct dirent64 * readdir64 (DIR *DIRSTREAM)
     The `readdir64' function is just like the `readdir' function
     except that it returns a pointer to a record of type `struct
     dirent64'.  Some of the members of this data type (notably `d_ino')
     might have a different size to allow large filesystems.

     In all other aspects this function is equivalent to `readdir'.

 - Function: int readdir64_r (DIR *DIRSTREAM, struct dirent64 *ENTRY,
          struct dirent64 **RESULT)
     The `readdir64_r' function is equivalent to the `readdir_r'
     function except that it takes parameters of base type `struct
     dirent64' instead of `struct dirent' in the second and third
     position.  The same precautions mentioned in the documentation of
     `readdir_r' also apply here.

 - Function: int closedir (DIR *DIRSTREAM)
     This function closes the directory stream DIRSTREAM.  It returns
     `0' on success and `-1' on failure.

     The following `errno' error conditions are defined for this

          The DIRSTREAM argument is not valid.

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