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Info Node: ( in Handler

( in Handler

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Handlers That Terminate the Process

   Handler functions that terminate the program are typically used to
cause orderly cleanup or recovery from program error signals and
interactive interrupts.

   The cleanest way for a handler to terminate the process is to raise
the same signal that ran the handler in the first place.  Here is how
to do this:

     volatile sig_atomic_t fatal_error_in_progress = 0;
     fatal_error_signal (int sig)
       /* Since this handler is established for more than one kind of signal, 
          it might still get invoked recursively by delivery of some other kind
          of signal.  Use a static variable to keep track of that. */
       if (fatal_error_in_progress)
         raise (sig);
       fatal_error_in_progress = 1;
       /* Now do the clean up actions:
          - reset terminal modes
          - kill child processes
          - remove lock files */
       /* Now reraise the signal.  We reactivate the signal's
          default handling, which is to terminate the process.
          We could just call `exit' or `abort',
          but reraising the signal sets the return status
          from the process correctly. */
       signal (sig, SIG_DFL);
       raise (sig);

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