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Building Lists

   It has already been described how you can create lists using the Lisp
reader; this method does have a drawback though: the list created is
effectively static. If you modify the contents of the list and that
list was created when a function was defined the list will remain
modified for all future invocations of that function. This is not
usually a good idea, consider the following function definition,

     (defun bogus-function (x)
       "Return a list whose first element is nil and whose second element is X."
           ((result '(nil nil)))     ;Static list which is filled in each time
         (rplaca (cdr result) x)     ; the function is called

This function does in fact do what its documentation claims, but a
problem arises when it is called more than once,

     (setq x (bogus-function 'foo))
         => (nil foo)
     (setq y (bogus-function 'bar))
         => (nil bar)               ;The first result has been destroyed
         => (nil bar)               ;See!

   This example is totally contrived--no one would ever write a
function like the one in the example but it does demonstrate the need
for a dynamic method of creating lists.

 - Function: list #!rest elements
     This function creates a list out of its arguments, if zero
     arguments are given the empty list, `()', is returned.

          (list 1 2 3)
              => (1 2 3)
          (list (major-version-number) (minor-version-number))
              => (3 2)
              => ()

 - Function: list* arg1 arg2 ... argn-1 argn
     Creates a new list `(ARG1 ARG2 ... ARGN-1 .  ARGN)'.

          (list* 1 2 '(3 4))
              => (1 2 3 4)

 - Function: make-list length #!optional initial-value
     This function creates a list LENGTH elements long. If the
     INITIAL-VALUE argument is given it defines the value of all
     elements in the list, if it is not defined they are all `()'.

          (make-list 2)
              => (() ())
          (make-list 3 t)
              => (t t t)
          (make-list 0)
              => ()

 - Function: append #!rest lists
     This function creates a new list with the elements of each of its
     arguments (which must be lists). Unlike the function `nconc' this
     function preserves the structure of all its arguments.

          (append '(1 2 3) '(4 5))
              => (1 2 3 4 5)
              => ()

     What actually happens is that all arguments but the last are
     copied, then the last argument is linked on to the end of the list

          (setq foo '(1 2))
              => (1 2)
          (setq bar '(3 4))
              => (3 4)
          (setq baz (append foo bar))
              => (1 2 3 4)
          (eq (nthcdr 2 baz) bar)
              => t

     The following diagram shows the final state of the three variables
     more clearly,

          foo--> +-----+-----+   +-----+-----+
                 |  o  |  o----> |  o  |     |
                 +--|--+-----+   +--|--+-----+
                    |               |
                    o--> 1          o--> 2   bar
                    |               |          ->
          baz--> +--|--+-----+   +--|--+-----+   +-----+-----+   +-----+-----+
                 |  o  |  o----> |  o  |  o----> |  o  |  o----> |  o  |     |
                 +-----+-----+   +-----+-----+   +--|--+-----+   +--|--+-----+
                                                    |               |
                                                     --> 3           --> 4

     Note how `foo' and the first half of `baz' use the _same_ objects
     for their elements--copying a list only copies its cons cells, its
     elements are reused. Also note how the variable `bar' actually
     references the mid-point of `baz' since the last list in an
     `append' call is not copied.

 - Function: remove elt list
     Return a copy of LIST, with all elements the same as ELT discarded
     (using the `equal' function to compare).

 - Function: remq elt list
     Similar to the `remove' function, except that comparisons are made
     using `eq'.

 - Function: reverse list
     This function returns a new list; it is made from the elements of
     the list LIST in reverse order. Note that this function does not
     alter its argument.

          (reverse '(1 2 3 4))
              => (4 3 2 1)

   As a postscript to this section, the function used as an example at
the beginning could now be written as,

     (defun not-so-bogus-function (x)
       (list nil x))

   Also note that the `cons' function can be used to create lists by
hand and to add new elements onto the front of a list. For example:

     (setq x (list 1 2 3))
         => (1 2 3)
     (setq x (cons 0 x))
         => (0 1 2 3)

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