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Block-Structured Definitions

   Previous sections of this document have described several special
forms and macros for defining top-level functions and variables.
`librep' also provides a higher-level method of creating these
definitions, the `define' statement. `define' originates in the Scheme
dialect of Lisp, it allows block-structured programs to be defined

   The most basic use of `define' is very similar to `defun', e.g. the
two following forms have exactly the same effect:

     (defun foo (x) (1+ x))
     (define (foo x) (1+ x))

But note the different position of the parentheses. This is because
`define' may also be used to define (lexical) variables. Hence the
following is also equivalent:

     (define foo (lambda (x) (1+ x)))

   However this is the most uninteresting aspect of `define'. More
interesting is that it allows "internal definitions".

   Within a `define' form, any inner calls to `define' (that occur in a
contiguous block at the start of the body of a `let', `let*', `letrec',
`lambda', or `define' form) are also used to create definitions, but
definitions that are local to the containing scope. For example:

     (define (foo x)
       (define (bar)
         (* x 42))
       (1+ (bar)))

This defines a top-level function called `foo'. However it also
contains an inner function named `bar', that is only accessible within
`foo'. Since `bar' is defined inside `foo', and librep uses lexical
scope by default, the variable `x' defined by `foo' may also be
accessed by `bar'.

 - Macro: define name form
 - Macro: define (name . args) body-forms...
     Define a global lexical variable called NAME, whose value will be
     set to FORM.

     If the first argument to the macro is a list, then a function is
     defined whose name is NAME and whose formal parameters are
     specified by ARGS. The body of the function is defined by the
     BODY-FORMS. The body forms have any macros expanded, and are
     scanned for internal definitions (at the start of the body of
     `let', `let*', `lambda' special forms)

 - Macro: define-macro name form
 - Macro: define-macro (name . args) body-forms...
     Similar to `define', except that it creates a macro definition
     (Note: Macros).

 - Macro: with-internal-definitions body-forms
     Recursively expand macros in BODY-FORMS, while scanning out any
     internal definitions into `letrec' statements.

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