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Function Call Forms

   When the first element of a list form evaluates to a function object
(either a primitive subroutine or a closure), all other elements in the
list are evaluated sequentially from left-to-right, then these values
are applied to the function definition. The result returned by the
function is then taken as the value of the whole list form.

   For example, consider the form `(/ 100 (1+ 4))'. This is a function
call to the function stored in the variable `/'. First the `/' form is
evaluated, it is a variable containing a data value representing the
primitive subroutine for integer division. Then the `100' form is
evaluated: it is a number, so self-evaluates to the value `100'. Next
the form `(1+ 4)' is evaluated. This is also a function call and
computes to a value of `5' which becomes the second argument to the `/'
function. Now the `/' function is applied to its evaluated arguments of
`100' and `5', and returns the value `20'. This then becomes the value
of the form `(/ 100 (1+ 4))'.

     (/ 100 (1+ 4))
     == (/ 100 5)
     => 20

   Or another example,

     (+ (- 10 (1- 7)) (* (1+ 2) 4)
     == (+ (- 10 6) (* (1+ 2) 4)
     == (+ 4 (* (1+ 2) 4)
     == (+ 4 (* 3 4))
     == (+ 4 12)
     => 16

   The system is also capable of eliminating tail calls where possible,
allowing tail-recursive function definitions to run with bounded space

   A "tail-call" is a function call that occurs immediately before
exiting the containing function. Since the containing function need not
receive the result of the function call, it is possible to, in effect,
exit from the containing function before invoking the called function.

   Note however, that this is only possible where none of the dynamic
features of the language (i.e. bindings to special variables,
`unwind-protect', `condition-case', `catch', etc...)  are currently
active in the containing function.

   Consider, for example, the following function:

     (defun print-list (l)
       (unless (null l)
         (format standard-output "%s\n" (car l))
         (print-list (cdr l))))

the call to `print-list' occurs in the "tail-position" of the function.
This means that the call may be made after removing the previous call
to `print-list' from the interpreter's stack of active functions.

   [ XXX currently the interpreter is incapable of eliminating tail
calls to subrs, i.e. Lisp functions implemented in C ]

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