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   The `rep' program may be used to launch the stand-alone `librep'

     usage: rep [REP-OPTIONS...] [SCRIPT [SCRIPT-OPTIONS...]]

Where REP-OPTIONS may be any of the following:

`--init FILE'
     Use FILE to boot the Lisp system from, instead of `init.jl'.

     Print the current version number and exit

     Tell the interpreter that it is running non-interactively, this
     reduces the number of messages output to the console

     Interpreted mode. Never load compiled Lisp files: this can be
     useful when using the debugger.

     Don't load the user's `~/.reprc' script, or the `site-init.jl'

     Invoke the Lisp function FUNCTION (with no arguments)

     Try to load the Lisp file SCRIPT, this is equivalent to evaluating
     the form `(load "SCRIPT")'.

     Terminate the Lisp process and exit.

   If SCRIPT is given, it names the Lisp file to load, equivalent to
the `-l' option, except that `--batch-mode' is implied. Any
SCRIPT-OPTIONS will be made available to the script (in the
`command-line-args' variable).

   After any arguments have been processed a banner message will be
displayed before entering an interactive read-eval-print loop, unless
`--batch-mode' was specified, in which case the interpreter exits.

   The read-eval-print loop simply reads complete Lisp forms (Note: The
Lisp Reader), evaluates them, before printing the result back to the
console; this continues ad infinitum, or until you force an EOF (i.e.
enter `C-d').

Implicitly Interpreting `rep' Scripts

   The `rep' interpreter also supports automatic invocation of scripts,
using the oeprating system's support for `#!' interpreter invocation
(i.e. if the first line of an executable text file contains `#! PROG',
the program PROG is used to execute the script.

   However there is a problem with this method, in that the `PATH'
environment variable is not searched for the location of the
interpreter, and thus the full file name of the interpreter program
must be hard-coded into the script. To work around this problem `rep'
supports a slightly different method of invocation.

   If the first two characters of a loaded Lisp file are `#!', then
everything is treated as a comment until the first occurrence of the
string `!#'. This allows the first part of the script to be executed as
a shell script invoking the `rep' interpreter.

   What this means, is that you want to put something like the following
at the start of any scripts you want to execute implicitly (and `chmod
+x' the file as well):

     exec rep "$0" "$@"
     ;; Lisp code follows...

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