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   When you invoke the stand-alone librep interpreter without giving it
a script to execute the system is started in interactive mode. This
means that the "REPL" is entered--the read-eval-print loop.

   The REPL works as its name suggests. It reads Lisp forms from the
console, evaluates them, and then prints the result back to the
console. Here is an example REPL session:

     user> (+ 1 1)
     user> (cons 'a 'b)
     (a . b)

The `user>' string is the prompt that the REPL prints when it is
waiting for an input form. This form may span several lines, e.g.:

     user> (cons 'a
     (a . b)

The prompt above contains the string `user'. This is the name of the
module that the form will be evaluated in (Note: Modules).

   As well as allowing arbitrary Lisp forms to be entered and evaluated,
the REPL provides a rich set of meta-commands, these are used to
configure and inspect the state of the system, as well as providing
convenient shortcuts for common operations.

   A meta-command is differentiated from a normal Lisp form by preceding
it with a comma (`,') character. The name of the command should follow
the comma, with any argument forms after that. Note that unlike normal
Lisp forms, no parentheses are used to mark the command application.

   For example the `whereis' meta-command searches all loaded modules
for those exporting a particular symbol. It might be used as follows:

     user> ,whereis string-match
     string-match is exported by: rep.regexp

The following table lists all currently supported meta-commands:

`access STRUCT ...'
     Add the modules named STRUCT ... to the list of structures whose
     exported definitions may be accessed by the current module (using
     the `structure-ref' special form).

     Print the names of the modules whose contents may be accessed
     using the `structure-ref' form from the current module.

`apropos "REGEXP"'
     Print the definitions in the scope of the current module whose
     names match the regular expression REGEXP.

     Print all bindings in the current module.

     Run the garbage collector.

`compile [STRUCT ...]'
     Compile any uncompiled functions in the modules named STRUCT ....
     If no named modules are given, use the current module.

`compile-proc PROCEDURE ...'
     Compile the functions called PROCEDURE ... in the current module.

`describe SYMBOL'
     Look for documentation describing the current meaning of SYMBOL,
     if any is found, print it.

`dis FORM'
     Disassemble the bytecode form or compiled function that is the
     result of evaluating FORM.

`expand FORM'
     Print FORM with any outermost macro calls recursively expanded.

     Print the names of the variables exported from the current module.

     List all REPL commands.

     Print the names of the modules imported by the current module.

     If FORM is given, temporarily switch to the module called STRUCT,
     evaluate FORM printing the result, then switch back to the
     original module.

     If FORM isn't given, simply switch the current module to be STRUCT.

     Print all defined module interfaces, and their definitions.

`load STRUCT ...'
     Attempt to load the module called STRUCT.

`load-file "FILENAME" ...'
     Load the file of Lisp forms called FILENAME.

`locate SYMBOL'
     Recursively scan from the current module for the module providing
     the binding of SYMBOL.

`new STRUCT'
     Create a new module called STRUCT, and set it as the current
     module. It will import the `rep.module-system' module, but nothing
     else (i.e. no actual language).

`open STRUCT ...'
     Import the modules called STRUCT ... to the current module.  This
     is analogous to the `open' clause in the configuration form of the
     module's definition.

`profile FORM'
     Evaluate FORM, recording information about the frequency and
     duration of the calls it makes to subroutines (and the calls they
     make, and so on). This information is tabulated and printed after
     the evaluation has finished.

     Terminate the Lisp interpreter.

`reload STRUCT ...'
     Reload the modules called STRUCT .... If modules of these names
     had previously been loaded, they will be deallocated when there
     are no remaining references to them.

     Note that importing the interface of one module into another does
     not create object references between the two modules (the
     references are purely symbolic). However, each closure (i.e.
     function) created in a module does contain a reference to the
     module it was created in.

`step FORM'
     Evaluate FORM in single-step mode (using the debugger).

     Print the names of all currently defined modules.

`time FORM'
     Evaluate the form FORM, print the result and the time it took to
     perform the evaluation.

`unload STRUCT ...'
     Attempt to unload the modules called STRUCT .... As with
     reloading, unloading a module only removes the link between the
     module name and the module body. Only once no more references
     exist to the module body will it be freed.

`whereis SYMBOL'
     Scan all loaded modules for those that export a binding of SYMBOL,
     and print the results.

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