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Types Summary

   Each separate data type is documented in its own section, this is a
just a summary of the more common types.

     Numbers: fixnums, bignums, rationals and floats. Note: Numbers.

"Cons cell"
     An object referring to two other Lisp objects. Note: Cons Cells.

     A sequence of objects, in Lisp lists are not primitive types,
     instead they are made by chaining together Cons cells. Note:

     A one-dimensional array of objects. Note: Vectors.

     A vector of characters. Note: Strings.

     An ordered sequence of objects which can be accessed in constant
     time, either a vector or a string. Note: Sequences.

     An ordered sequence of objects, either a list or an array.  Note:

     A symbol is a named object; they are used to provide named
     variables and functions. Note: Symbols.

     A link to a notional file in the filing system. This file may be
     in the local filing system, or on a FTP server, or wherever. Note:

     An object through which processes may be created and controlled.
     Note: Processes.

     Serial data sinks and sources. These may include files, functions,
     and processes. Note: Streams.

     The empty type, only used in symbols to represent an undefined
     value.  Note that this is not the same as `()', which is the empty
     list, or false truth value.

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