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Starting and Stopping MySQL Automatically

The `mysql.server' and `safe_mysqld' scripts can be used to start the
server automatically at system startup time. `mysql.server' can also be
used to stop the server.

The `mysql.server' script can be used to start or stop the server by
invoking it with `start' or `stop' arguments:

     shell> mysql.server start
     shell> mysql.server stop

`mysql.server' can be found in the `share/mysql' directory under the
MySQL installation directory or in the `support-files' directory of the
MySQL source tree.

Before `mysql.server' starts the server, it changes directory to the
MySQL installation directory, then invokes `safe_mysqld'.  You might
need to edit `mysql.server' if you have a binary distribution that
you've installed in a non-standard location.  Modify it to `cd' into
the proper directory before it runs `safe_mysqld'. If you want the
server to run as some specific user, add an appropriate `user' line to
the `/etc/my.cnf' file, as shown later in this section.

`mysql.server stop' brings down the server by sending a signal to it.
You can take down the server manually by executing `mysqladmin

You might want to add these start and stop commands to the appropriate
places in your `/etc/rc*' files when you start using MySQL for
production applications.  Note that if you modify `mysql.server', then
upgrade MySQL sometime, your modified version will be overwritten, so
you should make a copy of your edited version that you can reinstall.

If your system uses `/etc/rc.local' to start external scripts, you
should append the following to it:
     /bin/sh -c 'cd /usr/local/mysql ; ./bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql &'

You can also add options for `mysql.server' in a global `/etc/my.cnf'
file.  A typical `/etc/my.cnf' file might look like this:


The `mysql.server' script understands the following options: `datadir',
`basedir', and `pid-file'.

The following table shows which option groups each of the startup
scripts read from option files:

*Script*       *Option groups*
`mysqld'       `mysqld' and `server'
`mysql.server' `mysql.server', `mysqld', and `server'
`safe_mysqld'  `mysql.server', `mysqld', and `server'

Note: Option files.

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