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     BACKUP TABLE tbl_name[,tbl_name...] TO '/path/to/backup/directory'

Make a copy of all the table files to the backup directory that are the
minimum needed to restore it. Currenlty only works for `MyISAM' tables.
For `MyISAM' table, copies `.frm' (definition)  and `.MYD' (data)
files. The index file can be rebuilt from those two.

Before using this command, please see Note: Backup.

During the backup, read lock will be held for each table, one at time,
as they are being backed up. If you want to backup several tables as a
snapshot, you must first issue `LOCK TABLES' obtaining a read lock for
each table in the group.

The command returns a table with the following columns:

*Column*                  *Value*
Table                     Table name
Op                        Always "backup"
Msg_type                  One of `status', `error', `info' or `warning'.
Msg_text                  The message.

Note that `BACKUP TABLE' is only available in MySQL version 3.23.25 and

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