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Errors You May Get When Using BDB Tables

   * If you get the following error in the `hostname.err log' when
     starting `mysqld':

          bdb:  Ignoring log file: .../log.XXXXXXXXXX: unsupported log version #
     it means that the new `BDB' version doesn't support the old log
     file format.  In this case you have to delete all `BDB' log BDB
     from your database directory (the files that has the format
     `log.XXXXXXXXXX' ) and restart `mysqld'.  We would also recommend
     you to do a `mysqldump --opt' of your old `BDB' tables, delete the
     old table and restore the dump.

   * If you are running in not `auto_commit' mode and delete a table you
     are using by another thread you may get the following error
     messages in the MySQL error file:

          001119 23:43:56  bdb:  Missing log fileid entry
          001119 23:43:56  bdb:  txn_abort: Log undo failed for LSN: 1 3644744: Invalid

     This is not fatal but we don't recommend that you delete tables if
     you are not in `auto_commit' mode, until this problem is fixed
     (the fix is not trivial).

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