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Bit Functions

MySQL uses `BIGINT' (64-bit) arithmetic for bit operations, so these
operators have a maximum range of 64 bits.

     Bitwise OR:
          mysql> select 29 | 15;
                  -> 31

     Bitwise AND:
          mysql> select 29 & 15;
                  -> 13

     Shifts a longlong (`BIGINT') number to the left:
          mysql> select 1 << 2;
                  -> 4

     Shifts a longlong (`BIGINT') number to the right:
          mysql> select 4 >> 2;
                  -> 1

     Invert all bits:
          mysql> select 5 & ~1;
                  -> 4

     Returns the number of bits that are set in the argument `N':
          mysql> select BIT_COUNT(29);
                  -> 4

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