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Info Node: ( Sensitivity Operators

( Sensitivity Operators

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Case Sensitivity

     The `BINARY' operator casts the string following it to a binary
     string.  This is an easy way to force a column comparison to be
     case sensitive even if the column isn't defined as `BINARY' or
          mysql> select "a" = "A";
                  -> 1
          mysql> select BINARY "a" = "A";
                  -> 0

     `BINARY' was introduced in MySQL Version 3.23.0.

     Note that in some context MySQL will not be able to use the index
     efficiently when you cast an indexed column to `BINARY'.

If you want to compare a blob case-insensitively you can always convert
the blob to upper case before doing the comparison:

     SELECT 'A' LIKE UPPER(blob_col) FROM table_name;

We plan to soon introduce casting between different character sets to
make string comparison even more flexible.

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