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How MySQL Handles a Full Disk

When a disk-full condition occurs, MySQL does the following:

   * It checks once every minute to see whether or not there is enough
     space to write the current row. If there is enough space, it
     continues as if nothing had happened.

   * Every 6 minutes it writes an entry to the log file warning about
     the disk full condition.

To alleviate the problem, you can take the following actions:

   * To continue, you only have to free enough disk space to insert all

   * To abort the thread, you must send a `mysqladmin kill' to the
     thread.  The thread will be aborted the next time it checks the
     disk (in 1 minute).

   * Note that other threads may be waiting for the table that caused
     the disk full condition.  If you have several "locked" threads,
     killing the one thread that is waiting on the disk-full condition
     will allow the other threads to continue.

Exceptions to the above behaveour is when you use `REPAIR' or
`OPTIMIZE' or when the indexes are created in a batch after an `LOAD
DATA INFILE' or after an `ALTER TABLE' statement.

All of the above commands may use big temporary files that left to
themself would cause big problems for the rest of the system.  If MySQL
gets disk full while doing any of the above operations, it will remove
the big temporary files and mark the table as crashed (except for
`ALTER TABLE', in which the old table will be left unchanged).

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