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Changes in release 3.21.8

   * Works now in Solaris 2.6.

   * Added handling of calculation of `SUM()' functions.  For example,
     you can now use `SUM(column)/COUNT(column)'.

   * Added handling of trigometric functions: `PI()', `ACOS()',
     `ASIN()', `ATAN()', `COS()', `SIN()' and `TAN()'.

   * New languages: norwegian, norwegian-ny and portuguese.

   * Fixed parameter bug in `net_print()' in `'.

   * Fixed a couple of memory leaks.

   * Now allow also the old `SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE' syntax.

   * Fixed bug with `GROUP BY' and `SELECT' on key with many values.

   * `mysql_fetch_lengths()' sometimes returned incorrect lengths when
     you used `mysql_use_result()'. This affected at least some cases of
     `mysqldump --quick'.

   * Fixed bug in optimization of `WHERE const op field'.

   * Fixed problem when sorting on `NULL' fields.

   * Fixed a couple of 64-bit (Alpha) problems.

   * Added `--pid-file=#' option to `mysqld'.

   * Added date formatting to `FROM_UNIXTIME()', originally by Zeev

   * Fixed bug in `BETWEEN' in range optimizer (Did only test = of the
     first argument).

   * Added machine-dependent files for MIT-pthreads i386-SCO. There is
     probably more to do to get this to work on SCO 3.5.

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