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Changes in release 3.22.12

   * Fixed problem when using `DATE_ADD()' and `DATE_SUB()' in a
     `WHERE' clause.

   * You can now set the password for a user with the `GRANT ... TO user
     IDENTIFIED BY 'password'' syntax.

   * Fixed bug in `GRANT' checking with `SELECT' on many tables.

   * Added missing file `mysql_fix_privilege_tables' to the RPM
     distribution. This is not run by default because it relies on the
     client package.

   * Added option `SQL_SMALL_RESULT' to `SELECT' to force use of fast
     temporary tables when you know that the result set will be small.

   * Allow use of negative real numbers without a decimal point.

   * Day number is now adjusted to maximum days in month if the
     resulting month after `DATE_ADD'/`DATE_SUB()' doesn't have enough

   * Fix that `GRANT' compares columns in case-insensitive fashion.

   * Fixed a bug in `sql_list.h' that made `ALTER TABLE' dump core in
     some contexts.

   * The hostname in `user@hostname' can now include `.' and `-'
     without quotes in the context of the `GRANT', `REVOKE' and `SET
     PASSWORD FOR ...' statements.

   * Fix for `isamchk' for tables which need big temporary files.

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