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Changes in release 3.22.15

   * `GRANT' used with `IDENTIFIED BY' didn't take effect until
     privileges were flushed.

   * Name change of some variables in `SHOW STATUS'.

   * Fixed problem with `ORDER BY' with 'only index' optimization when
     there were multiple key definitions for a used column.

   * `DATE' and `DATETIME' columns are now up to 5 times faster than

   * `INSERT DELAYED' can be used to let the client do other things
     while the server inserts rows into a table.

   * `LEFT JOIN USING (col1,col2)' didn't work if one used it with
     tables from 2 different databases.

   * `LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE' didn't work in the Unix version because of
     a missing file.

   * Fixed problems with `VARCHAR'/`BLOB' on very short rows (< 4
     bytes); error 127 could occur when deleting rows.

   * Updating `BLOB/TEXT' through formulas didn't work for short (< 256
     char) strings.

   * When you did a `GRANT' on a new host, `mysqld' could die on the
     first connect from this host.

   * Fixed bug when one used `ORDER BY' on column name that was the same
     name as an alias.

   * Added `BENCHMARK(loop_count,expression)' function to time

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