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Changes in release 3.23.23

   * Changed sort order for 'German';  All tables created with 'German'
     sortorder must be repaired with `REPAIR TABLE' or `myisamchk'
     before use!

   * Added option `--core-file' to `mysqld' to get a core file on Linux
     if `mysqld' dies on the SIGSEGV signal.

   * MySQL client `mysql' now starts with option `--no-named-commands'
     (`-g') by default. This option can be disabled with
     `--enable-named-commands' (`-G'). This may cause incompatibility
     problems in some cases, for example, in SQL scripts that use named
     commands without a semicolon, etc. !  Long format commands still
     work from the first line.

   * Fixed a problem when using many pending `DROP TABLE' statements at
     the same time.

   * Optimizer didn't use keys properly when using `LEFT JOIN' on an
     empty table.

   * Added shorter help text when invoking `mysqld' with incorrect

   * Fixed non-fatal `free()' bug in `mysqlimport'.

   * Fixed bug in `MyISAM' index handling of `DECIMAL'/`NUMERIC' keys.

   * Fixed a bug in concurrent insert in `MyISAM' tables; In some
     contexts, usage of `MIN(key_part)' or `MAX(key_part)' returned an
     empty set.

   * Updated `mysqlhotcopy' to use the new `FLUSH TABLES table_list'
     syntax. Only tables which are being backed up are flushed now.

   * Changed behavior of `--enable-thread-safe-client' so that both
     non-threaded (`-lmysqlclient') and threaded (`-lmysqlclient_r')
     libraries are built.  Users who linked against a threaded
     `-lmysqlclient' will need to link against `libmysqlclient_r' now.

   * Added atomic `RENAME' command.

   * Don't count entries with `NULL' in `COUNT(DISTINCT ...)'.

   * Changed `ALTER TABLE', `LOAD DATA INFILE' on empty tables and
     `INSERT ... SELECT ...' on empty tables to create non-unique
     indexes in a separate batch with sorting. This will make the above
     calls much faster when you have many indexes.

   * `ALTER TABLE' now logs the first used insert_id correctly.

   * Fixed crash when adding a default value to a `BLOB' column.

   * Fixed a bug with `DATE_ADD/DATE_SUB' where it returned a datetime
     instead of a date.

   * Fixed a problem with the thread cache which made some threads show
     up as `***DEAD***' in `SHOW PROCESSLIST'.

   * Fixed a lock in our thr_rwlock code, which could make selects that
     run at the same time as concurrent inserts crash. This only
     affects systems that don't have the `pthread_rwlock_rdlock' code.

   * When deleting rows with a non-unique key in a HEAP table, all rows
     weren't always deleted.

   * Fixed bug in range optimizer for HEAP tables for searches on a
     part index.

   * Fixed that `SELECT' on part keys works with BDB tables.

   * Fixed `INSERT INTO bdb_table ... SELECT' to work with BDB tables.

   * `CHECK TABLE' now updates key statistics for the table.

   * `ANALYZE TABLE' will now only update tables that have been changed
     since thee last `ANALYZE'. Note that this is a new feature and
     tables will not be marked to be analyzed until they are updated in
     any way with 3.23.23 or newer.  For older tables, you have to do
     `CHECK TABLE' to update the key distribution.

   * Fixed some minor privilege problems with `CHECK', `ANALYZE',
     `REPAIR' and `SHOW CREATE' commands.

   * Added `CHANGE MASTER TO' command.

   * Added `FAST', `QUICK' `EXTENDED' check types to `CHECK TABLES'.

   * Changed `myisamchk' so that `--fast' and `--check-changed-tables'
     are also honored with `--sort-index' and `--analyze'.

   * Fixed fatal bug in `LOAD TABLE FROM MASTER' that did not lock the
     table during index re-build.

   * `LOAD DATA INFILE' broke replication if the database was excluded
     from replication.

   * More variables in `SHOW SLAVE STATUS' and `SHOW MASTER STATUS'.

   * `SLAVE STOP' now will not return until the slave thread actually

   * Full text search via the `MATCH' function and `FULLTEXT' index
     type.  (For MyISAM files).  This makes `FULLTEXT' a reserved word.

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